Contact us


Address map
Floor 10, Hanoi Tower, 49 Hai Ba Trung street, Hanoi
Tháp Hà Nội, 49 P. Hai Bà Trưng, Trần Hưng Đạo
Hoàn Kiếm
Hà Nội, Vietnam
Click here for directions.


Email address

Address for mail

49 P. Hai Bà Trưng,
Trần Hưng Đạo,
Hoàn Kiếm,
Hà Nội,

How to send mail to the consulate

all mail items sent to the Embassy must be updated in advance via email 

Days and hours for visits

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
9:00 - 12:00
Monday, Thursday
13:00 - 14:00

The consulate is closed on jewish holidays!

1/1/2024: New Year

9-15/2/24: Tet 

23-24/4/2024: Passover

29-30/4/2024: Second Passover

1/5/24: Labor day

14/5/2024: Israeli Independence Day

12-13/6/2024: Shavuot

2-3/9/24: Vietnamese independence day

3-4/10/2024: Rosh Hashana

17-18/10/2024: Sukkot

24-25/10/2024: Second Sukkot


How to schedule appointments

Schedule your visit via email in advance.

Security instructions for people who wish to obtain consular services at the mission offices:

1. Please bring a photo ID.
2. Every visitor and his belongings will be required to undergo a security check.
3. For security purposes, no personal objects will be allowed into the mission, including handbags, mobile phones and electronic devices.
4. Do not bring large handbags or suitcases to the mission.
5. Do not bring food and/or beverage bottles or containers.
6. The mission’s security directives apply to people in the consular waiting room. The instructions of the security staff must be obeyed at all times.

Other useful contacts

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