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Why Israel must win the war against Hamas

Opinion article of Ambassador published in Philippine Star

Israeli flag

Hamas’ ongoing aggression against Israel has reached a critical turning point following its vicious attack on Oct. 7, 2023. The implications of this ongoing conflict extend beyond the region, casting a shadow over global stability. In the aftermath of the appalling violence, including murder, rape, mutilation and the burning of innocent Israeli civilians, compelling arguments arise in favor of Israel emerging victorious in this battle against the Islamist terror organization.

Operating with the support of Iran, Hamas controls the Gaza Strip, underscoring the urgency for a decisive resolution to secure peace and stability in the broader context.

To give you a background on how it all started, the Oct. 7 massacres serve as a grim reminder of the constant threat that Hamas poses to the security and safety of Israeli citizens. Winning the war against Hamas is a matter of utmost national security, as well as a basic moral imperative. As the only democracy in a belligerent region, it is imperative for Israel to exhibit strength and resilience, safeguarding its citizens and dissuading potential future attacks.

Hamas’ actions on Oct. 7 underscore its relentless commitment to an extremist genocidal ideology, aimed at the destruction of Israel and the establishment of an Islamic state in its place. There was no trigger that led to the attack except the extremist agenda of murdering Israelis and destruction of the State of Israel. By breaching the ceasefire and launching its barbaric rampage, Hamas has once again demonstrated its disregard for international law and its rejection of peaceful coexistence with Israel. As long as Hamas continues to hold sway in Gaza, the prospects for a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict remain bleak. By defeating and eliminating Hamas, Israel can weaken the influence of extremist elements and create an environment more conducive to diplomatic efforts and dialogue.

Moreover, Hamas’ control over Gaza has contributed to the perpetuation of poverty, suffering and instability among the Palestinian population. Instead of governing responsibly and prioritizing the well-being of its people, Hamas has consistently diverted resources and humanitarian aid for years to strengthen its arsenal and terrorist infrastructure for waging war against Israel. Those resources financed hundreds of kilometers of tunnels, manufacturing of weapons, hatred and antisemitic educational materials instead of investing in development in society and in the future. Through defeating Hamas and dismantling its terrorist infrastructure, Israel can contribute to creating a path for a more prosperous and peaceful future for Palestinians living in Gaza.

In the broader picture, Iran’s Ayatollah regime has provided Hamas with significant financial, military and logistical support and poses a wide-reaching regional threat. A defeat for Hamas would not only weaken Iran’s influence in the region and disrupt the flow of support to terrorist organizations, but also convey a powerful message that its patronage of proxy militias promoting instability in Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon will not go unchallenged.

As a frontline state in the global fight of the free world against terrorism, Israel’s ability to effectively deter and defeat ultraviolent organizations like Hamas is critical for maintaining stability and security, not just in the Middle East, but around the world.

In conclusion, the outcome of Israel’s battle against Hamas holds immense significance, transcending the boundaries of the Middle East. By defeating Hamas, Israel not only secures the safety of its citizens but also paves the way for a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, alleviating the suffering of the Palestinian people. Civilian reconstruction can happen and will happen if Hamas is eliminated – this is the interest of Israel. Additionally, such a victory serves to weaken Iran’s sponsorship of terrorism and contributes to global efforts in combating extremism and fostering stability.

Therefore, Israel’s triumph over Hamas is not just desirable but imperative for the security and well-being of Israel, the Palestinian people and the entire region. It is crucial for the international community to stand united with Israel against terrorism, working collaboratively towards a future characterized by peace and security for all.