The State of Israel, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, MASHAV - Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation and MCTC - The Golda Meir Mashav Carmel International Training Center; in collaboration with the International Resilience Institute of Sderot, invite Professionals to the International Course on Developing Institutional and Community Resilience.

Community resilience focuses on enhancing the day-to-day wellbeing of communities in order to reduce the negative impacts of various types of crisis. Community resilience expands the traditional crisis preparedness approach. It is possible and necessary to reduce the consequences of crises and traumatic events by developing systems to build resilience on an individual and collective level. Integration and cooperation between organizations and institutions at the national level, municipal level and local communities is necessary for the development of efficient and helpful resilience systems. In addition, adaptation to specific population groups, as well as training of local first stage responders is essential. The purpose of the proposed course is to share the Israeli experience and models of building organizational and community resilience.
- Analyzing the critical challenges and stress factors of the community in times of crisis
- Planning and building a strategy for a community dealing with crisis, including models of prevention and intervention
- Exploring models and practices of cooperation between organizations on governmental and municipal levels and communities in building resilience system
- Exploring models and practices of resilience focusing on specific populations groups
- Discussing types of trauma therapy that assist in strengthening communities and building resilience
- Exchanging experiences and ideas on concepts, programs, and methodologies applied in the participants’ countries
Main subjects
- Israeli models of coping with large scale crises and traumatic events
- Resilience approach in crisis management
- Developing strategies and models of building resilience
- Strategic planning as a key factor in community preparedness to crisis
- Local government & community cooperation models and practices
- Resilience focusing on specific populations groups (children and youth, elderly, etc.)
- Methods and models for managing a state of ongoing crisis and developing a sense of resilience on a personal and social level
- A systemic approach to psychosocial preparedness and response as well as to trauma treatment
- Psychological First Aid (PFA) for first stage trauma responders
- Reintegration of trauma survivors into society/community
Application Requirements
The course is designed for 26 participants, representatives of governmental, civil society and international organizations, local government and social services, as well as psychologists and social workers. Preference will be given to candidates with experience in crisis response.
Candidates are expected to have a background in relevant fields as well as at least three years of work experience. Full command of English is necessary.
An online application form may be obtained through the link :
Please select the English language and enter the course code 7097
Completed application forms including the health declaration, must be submitted to the Israeli embassy or mission no later than December 13th, 2024.