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MASHAV Course - Small Ruminant Farming Sheep and Goats as Multipurpose Livestock Species for Meat and Milk Production

The training program aims to share with participants Israel's acquired experience in the development of Small Ruminant Farming - Sheep and Goats. The course will also serve as a platform for discussing the application of the latest methods, new strategies and technologies in the unique conditions of each participating countries.

Sheep Farming

Main Subjects 

The course will include discussions and field visits on:

 ▪ Overview of Sheep and Goat Farming in Israel

 ▪ Animal Breeding and Genetics

 ▪ Health and Disease Management

 ▪ Biosecurity measures and managing animal health

 ▪ Production Systems and Management

 ▪ Milk and Meat Production

 ▪ Reproductive Technologies and Management

 ▪ Sustainable Practices in Sheep and Goat Farming

 ▪ Marketing and Value Chain Development

 ▪ Technology and Innovation in Small Ruminant Farming


General Information Arrival and Departure 

Arrival date: 19th May 2025

Official Opening date: 20th May, 2025

Departure date: 30th May, 2025 

Application Requirements 

The course is geared towards professionals from governmental and non-governmental institutions, universities, research institutes and/or private sector, involved in the development of the small ruminants sector on a national, regional or local level. Candidates should hold an academic degree in related disciplines and at least two years of professional experience. A full command of English is required.

Application form 

Interested candidates are asked to complete the Online Application Form:  Select the language and enter the course code: 7148. The completed application form, including the health declaration & other documents, must be submitted until 31st March, 2025.