Early childhood is a crucial period that shapes a child's development, learning abilities, health, and overall well-being throughout life. Providing quality early childhood education is essential, as missed opportunities can lead to lifelong disadvantages, impacting both individuals and society. In Israel, education starts early, with most children aged 2–4 attending preschool programs, many of which are government-supported. The Ministry of Education ensures quality standards, particularly in disadvantaged areas, while organizations like the Israel National Council for the Child work to protect children's rights and well-being. MCTC plays a key role in sharing Israel’s expertise and best practices in early childhood education and development worldwide.

In cooperation with the Center for the Study of Child Development and the International MA Program in Early Education and Development in Early Childhood, School of Therapy, Counseling and Human Development, University of Haifa, through an interactive learning approach, as well through introductory lectures, professional study visits, observations, workshops, and discussions, participants will:
- Gain knowledge about the multidisciplinary field of early childhood education and development in Israel.
- Get a better understanding of innovative approaches to Early Childhood Education and Development.
- Engage in professional discussions about the essential role of overseeing, monitoring, and evaluating early childhood education and development programs and training initiatives.
- Participate in a dynamic exchange of ideas on the course topic with their peers
- Reflect on and present ideas that can be implemented in their own settings.
Application Requirements
This course is intended for mid to senior level policymakers, professionals and practitioners involved in the field of early childhood education and development, who work at relevant government and municipality offices, NGO’s, academic and other related organizations. Candidates are expected to have academic training or equivalent professional qualifications in relevant subject matter. Applicants should have at least 5 years of practical experience and should be engaged in or aspiring to implement or lead early childhood education and development projects in their community. English proficiency is required. Age limit between 25-55.
Arrival and Departure:
Arrival date: 4/5/2025
Opening date: 5/5/2025
Closing date: 15/5/2025
Departure date: 16/5/2025
Application Forms
An online application form may be obtained through the following link: https://mashav-mfa.formtitan.com/ftproject/mashavhome
Please select the English language and enter the course code: 7146 Completed application forms including the health declaration, must be submitted to the Israeli embassy or mission no later than March 21st , 2025.