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The ambassador

Gilad Cohen, the Ambassador of the State of Israel to Japan

Ambassador photo

Personal data
Born in Israel on 11 October 1967
1985 – 1988:     Compulsory service in the Israel Defense Forces
Family status:    Married + 3 children
Languages:       Hebrew, English, Portuguese

Positions in the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)
10/2021             Ambassador of Israel to Japan
2017 – 2021       Deputy Director General for Asia and Pacific division
2014 – 2017       Deputy Director General for Coordination and Diplomacy Planning, Bureau of the Director General
2011 – 2014       Director of the Bureau of the Director General and Head of the Bureau for Coordination
2008 – 2011      Director of the Coordination Department in the Bureau for Coordination
2004 – 2008    Political Counselor in Israel's Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York
2004 – 2004    Political Counselor in the Coordination Department in the Bureau for Coordination
2001 – 2004     Political Secretary in the Coordination Department in the Bureau for Coordination
1999 – 2001      Political Secretary in the Embassy of Israel in Ankara, Turkey
1996 – 1999      Political Secretary in the Embassy of Israel in Brasilia, Brazil
1994 – 1996      Diplomatic Cadet

Special Awards
2005                  Civil Service Award of Excellence for work in the position of the Political Counselor in Israel's Permanent Mission to the UN in New York
Positions Prior to the MFA
1988 – 1992      Instructor in the Magen David Adom (Israel's emergency medical services)

1991 – 1994      B.A. Degree in Political Science and International Relations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2019 – 2020      M.A. Executive studies in Security and Diplomacy, Tel Aviv University