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Bilateral relations

A friendship based on cooperation and shared values

Relations between Israel and Italy began a few months after the establishment of the State of Israel when, on 25 January 1949, the Italian government led by Alcide De Gasperi recognized 'de facto' the newborn State of Israel, a decision perfected immediately afterwards with an exchange of official letters. The Italian Republic, born after the war of liberation from Nazi-fascist rule, to which the volunteers of the Jewish Brigade had also contributed, recognized the State of Israel a few months before official recognition by the United Nations. This is how relations between our two countries were born and, during these years, we have known many beautiful moments of friendship, closeness, common interests and prosperity.

Israel and the Israelis are precious partners for Italy. Israelis and Italians work together in many areas of great importance to both parties, with a substantial and real impact on the quality of life of each and every one of us - Water resources management, innovation, technologies, smart agriculture, scientific research, public health, defense and security, space exploration and artificial intelligence.

Even on a personal and human level, Italy is one of the countries closest to Israel, culturally, and also in terms of family values ​​and warmth towards those close to us. We share entire chapters of common history, we live on the shores of the same sea, we enjoy the same common values ​​and even the same Mediterranean cuisine.



FM Katz visits Italy

Foreign Minister Israel Katz meets Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani in Rome

Il Ministro degli Esteri italiano Antonio Tajani incontra il Ministro degli Esteri israeliano Israel Katz per la prima volta dopo la strage del 7 ottobre 2023

Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani meets Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz for the first time after the October 7th massacre.

PM Meloni visits Israel

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni visit Israel for the first time since October 7th Massacre. 

La Presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni incontra il Primo Ministro israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu a Roma

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni meets Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Rome.

Il Presidente del Consiglio Mario Draghi incontra il Primo Ministro israeliano Naftali Bennet durante la sua visita in Israele

Prime Minister Mario Draghi meets Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennet during his visit to Israel.

Il Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella incontra il Presidente dello Stato di Israele Reuven Rivlin a Gerusalemme, nell’ambito del 75° anniversario della liberazione di Auschwitz

The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella meets the President of the State of Israel Reuven Rivlin in Jerusalem, as part of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.

Partenza del Giro d’Italia in Israele

Start of the Giro d'Italia in Israel.

Il Ministro dell’Interno Matteo Salvini visita Israele e lo Yad Vashem

Interior Minister Matteo Salvini visits Israel and Yad Vashem.

Il Presidente del Consiglio Matteo Renzi parla alla Knesset

Prime Minister Matteo Renzi speaks at the Knesset.

Inaugurazione del padiglione israeliano all’EXPO 2015 a Milano

Inauguration of the Israeli pavilion at EXPO 2015 in Milan.

Il Presidente del Consiglio Silvio Berlusconi parla alla Knesset durante il primo vertice intergovernativo tra i due Paesi

Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi speaks to the Knesset during the first intergovernmental summit between the two countries.

Il Presidente della Camera dei Deputati Gianfranco Fini incontra il Presidente dello Stato di Israele Shimon Peres durante la sua visita in Israele

The President of the Chamber of Deputies Gianfranco Fini meets the President of the State of Israel Shimon Peres during his visit to Israel.

Il Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano incontra il Presidente dello Stato di Israele Shimon Peres durante la sua visita in Israele

The President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano meets the President of the State of Israel Shimon Peres during his visit to Israel.

Il Presidente del Consiglio Romano Prodi incontra il Primo Ministro israeliano Ehud Olmert durante la sua visita in Israele

Prime Minister Romano Prodi meets Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert during his visit to Israel.

Il Presidente della Repubblica Oscar Luigi Scalfaro riceve a Roma il Primo Ministro israeliano Yitzhak Rabin

The President of the Republic Oscar Luigi Scalfaro receives the Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in Rome.

Il Presidente del Senato Giovanni Spadolini riceve a Roma il Primo Ministro israeliano Yitzhak Shamir

The President of the Senate Giovanni Spadolini receives the Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir in Rome.

Il Presidente della Repubblica Francesco Cossiga visita Israele insieme al Ministro degli Esteri italiano Giulio Andreotti

The President of the Republic Francesco Cossiga visits Israel together with the Italian Foreign Minister Giulio Andreotti.

Il Ministro degli Esteri italiano Arnaldo Forlani incontra il Ministro della Difesa israeliano Ezer Weizman e il Ministro degli Esteri israeliano Moshe Dayan durante la sua visita in Israele

Italian Foreign Minister Arnaldo Forlani meets Israeli Defense Minister Ezer Weizman and Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan during his visit to Israel.

Il Ministro degli Esteri italiano Giuseppe Medici incontra il Primo Ministro israeliano Golda Meir durante la sua visita in Israele

Italian Foreign Minister Giuseppe Medici meets Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir during his visit to Israel.

Il Ministro degli Esteri israeliano Abba Eban incontra la comunità ebraica di Roma

Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban meets the Jewish community of Rome.

Senatore Ettore Tibaldi in Israele con la delegazione parlamentare italiana

Senator Ettore Tibaldi in Israel with the Italian parliamentary delegation.

Visita del Presidente dello Stato di Israele, Ben Zvi, in Italia

Visit of the President of the State of Israel, Ben Zvi, to Italy.

Inaugurazione del padiglione israeliano alla Biennale di Venezia

Inauguration of the Israeli pavilion at the Venice Biennale.

Atterra in Italia il primo aereo della compagnia di bandiera israeliana El Al

The first plane of the Israeli national airline El Al lands in Italy.

L’Italia riconosce “de iure” lo Stato di Israele

Italy recognizes "de jure" the State of Israel.

Shlomo Genossar diventa il primo Legato israeliano in Italia

Shlomo Genossar becomes the first Israeli Legate in Italy.

Enrico Anzilotti diventa il primo rappresentante diplomatico italiano in Israele

Enrico Anzilotti becomes the first Italian diplomatic representative in Israel.

Inaugurazione del Consolato israeliano a Roma

Inauguration of the General Consulate of the State of Israel in Rome.

L'Italia riconosce "de facto" lo Stato di Israele

Italy recognizes "de facto" the State of Israel.