Contact us


Address map
Embassy of Israel
Via Michele Mercati
00197 Roma RM, Italy
Click here for directions. Embassy location


Automatic search

Telephone reception hours are from Monday to Friday during the following times:

- 8.30-10.00 AM
- 1.30-3.00 PM

Email address

Address for mail

Via Michele Mercati,
00197 Roma RM,

How to send mail to the consulate

It is possible to have the requested material and documents delivered to the Consulate via registered mail (Poste Italiane) or private courier (DHL, UPS, etc.)

Days and hours for visits

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
9:30 - 12:30

The consulate is closed on jewish holidays!

The Consulate will be closed on weekends from 2.30 PM on Friday to 8.30 AM on Monday.
The main Jewish, Catholic and civil holidays are also respected. You can check the calendar of public holidays at the bottom of this page.

How to schedule appointments

The only way to make an appointment for Consular services via the automatic system (see below in the section OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION LIST). 

Other useful contacts

Emergency contact

Other useful information list

Holiday calendar

If translation of documents is necessary, a list of translators is available at this link.

A list of lawyers recognized by the Embassy is available by clicking on this link.

Schedule an appointment clicking here.