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Solemn ceremony of Yom Hazikaron

A Solemn ceremony for Yom Hazikaron, the Day of Remembrance of the fallen in the wars of the State of Israel and of the victims of terrorism.


A Solemn ceremony for Yom Hazikaron, the Day of Remembrance of the fallen in the wars of the State of Israel and of the victims of terrorism, was hosted by the Defense Attache at the Embassy of Israel in Italy, Col. Liad Zak, organized in collaboration with the Jewish Community of Rome.

A very touching event, which saw the participation of Ambassador Alon Bar, the Ambassador of Israel to the Holy See Raphael Schutz, the Ambassador of Israel to the UN organizations based in Rome Yael Rubinstein, representatives of the Ministry of Defense and military attachés, the President of UCEI Noemi Di Segni, the Chief Rabbi of Rome Rav Riccardo Di Segni, the President of the Jewish Community of Rome Ruth Dureghello, and the families.

Among the significant words that the Ambassador said in his address: “Many nations celebrate their national holiday around a victory. [...] For Israel, however, it was also important to remind ourselves that victory has a price. A very high price, which cannot be ignored, even when celebrating. The high number of victims, in proportion to the small size of the Israeli population, makes too many families full and painful participants in the price we have had to pay. Price that, unfortunately, we continue to pay these days.

...Part of this inextricable link between Memorial Day and national Independence Day has always been solidarity, in Israel and also in Jewish communities around the world, with families who have lost loved ones in wars and in terrorist attacks. It is an important symbol of unity that is part of our identity.”