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Yom Hazikaron

A commemorative ceremony was held in Rome for the Day of Remembrance of the fallen in the wars of the State of Israel and the victims of terrorism. 

Yom Hazikaron 2024

The solemn ceremony of Yom Hazikaron, the Day of Remembrance of the fallen in the wars of the State of Israel and the victims of terrorism, was held yesterday evening, hosted by the Defense Attache Col. Liad Zak. and organized in collaboration with the Jewish Community of Rome.

A very emotional event which saw the participation of H.E. Alon Bar, Ambassador of Israel to Italy and San Marino, by H.E. Raphael Schutz, Ambassador of Israel to the Holy See, representatives of the Ministry of Defense and military attachés, UCEI President Noemi Di Segni, the Chief Rabbi of Rome Rav Riccardo Di Segni, and the President of the Jewish Community of Rome Victor Fadlun.

The words of H.E. Alon Bar were very significant:

“This year, in front of the thousands of new names that have been added to the list of the fallen, words fail me.

How can we put words to the terrible pain of thousands of families when the number of people killed in the past year is the highest since the Yom Kippur War?

Israel will find a way out of this situation. Of this I am certain.

But today, on this Yom HaZikaron, words fail me and only a deep sadness and a big, loud cry of pain remain.

Blessed be the memory of the fallen."