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Visit of the President of the State of Israel Isaac Herzog to Italy

This morning the President landed in Rome for a short official visit to Italy. During his stay, President Herzog met with the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella and the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

Herzog e Mattarella 2024

This morning the President landed in Rome for a short official visit to Italy. He was welcomed by the Ambassador of Israel to Italy, H.E. Alon Bar, and by the Head of the Diplomatic Ceremonial of the Republic Bruno Antonio Pasquino. During his stay, President Herzog met with the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella and the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

Following the meeting with President Mattarella at the Quirinale, President Isaac Herzog published a message on social media addressed to the Italian Head of State:

"Thank you, Mr. President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, true friend of the State of Israel, for the warm welcome at the Quirinale this morning. We appreciate the unique relationship between Israel and Italy, especially in these days. Thank you for the open and honest conversation on a series of themes.

Thank you for your moral clarity and for being at our side as we continue to face the claws of the evil empire's terrorism from Tehran, and as we work tirelessly to bring back our loved ones from captivity in Gaza."

Later, President Herzog was welcomed at Palazzo Chigi by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni: "I am pleased to have met in Rome the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, a pioneer leader in Italy and Europe and a true and important friend of the State of Israel.” said the Israeli President, then added “As in every political meeting I hold, we discussed the supreme duty to free the hostages who are brutally held captive in Gaza and the global war against the Iranian threat. I told her about the five soldiers and civilians who were murdered or kidnapped and taken to Gaza on October 7, whose bodies were recovered yesterday in the heart of Khan Yunis. A true Israeli story. I reiterated that we will never forget Italy's position alongside Israel in this difficult moment."


Photos: Kobi Gideon/ GPO

Video: Palazzo Chigi