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Reception for 75 years of Diplomatic Relations between Israel and Italy

The Reception for 75 years of Diplomatic Relations between Israel and Italy has taken place at Ambassador's residence.


The reception given by Ambassador Alon Bar, on the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Italy and Israel, was a moment of sharing messages of solidarity and friendship from the highest officials of the State and illustrious representatives of all areas of Italian society.

In particular, speakers included the President of the Senate Ignazio La Russa, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Matteo Salvini, and the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Edmondo Cirielli. Among other guests in the room there were also the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi, and the Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Family Eugenia Roccella.

Italy and Israel share the founding values of democracy, and the history of our friendship is based on relationships of mutual esteem, trust and appreciation. We are confident that the excellent cooperation between the two countries will continue to intensify.