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Concert by the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra

Splendid concert by the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra at the Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone to celebrate 75 years of Israel.


Splendid concert by the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra at the Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone to celebrate 75 years of Israel.

On stage Director Yeruham Scharovsky and cello soloist Danielle Akta together with dozens of talented Israeli musicians.

An evening of music and friendship in which high institutional officials took part, including the Vice President of the Senate Maurizio Gasparri and the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policies Maria Teresa Bellucci, and hundreds of representatives from all sectors of Italian society.

Heartfelt thanks to the Musica per Roma Foundation and the National Academy of St Cecilia, respectively in the figures of President Claudia Mazzola and President Michele dall'Ongaro, whose role was fundamental for the realization of the event.

(Photo credits: Moreno Maggi)