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Bilateral relations

Israel-Georgia Bilateral relations since 1991

Flags / Georgia Israel

Israel is the 4th country to officially recognize Georgia as an independent country.

opening embassy / Georgia

Diplomatic relations between Israel and Georgia were established in June 1992 and our respective embassies in Tbilisi and Tel Aviv were opened soon afterwards.

The Israeli Embassy in Tbilisi was opened on February 9, 1993.

Logo Mashav - Tbilisi/Georgia

Opening MASHAV – Israel’s International Development Cooperation Agency in Georgia. Mashav activities are a main pillar in our bilateral cooperation, fostering development and economic growth through Israeli capacity building and knowledge sharing. Since 1992, more than 1,600 Georgian women and men have benefited from Israeli training seminars and intensive courses in a broad spectrum of subjects, ranging from agriculture & irrigation to innovation & entrepreneurship, education, children with special needs, medicine and public healthcare, women’s empowerment, and much more.

Shevardnadze and Peres

President Shevardnadze's first visit to the state of Israel. It was followed by 2 additional visits, during his term as president, in 1998 and 2000.

Netanyahu and Shevardnadze

PM Netanyahu holding his first official visit to Georgia in 1999.

Saakashvili visit

Mikheil Saakashvili, in the rank of President, visited Israel in 2004 and 2006.


Official visit of Bidzina Ivanishvili in a rank of PM to the state of Israel

Agreements / Israel - Georgia

During PM Garibashvili's visit to Israel, a visa-free agreement was signed, which contributed to a dramatic increase in the number of Israelis visiting Georgia. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis visit Georgia annually.

Reuven Rivlin in Georgia

High-level meetings between the leaders of the states of Israel and Georgia are taking place on a regular basis as part of the strong bilateral relations and the unique bond between the nations. Between the years of 2018 and 2022, President Margvelashvili, PM Kvirikashvili, Speaker Kobakhidze, as well as President Reuven Rivlin held high-level official visits.

High level bilateral meetings / Georgia

President of Georgia, Salome Zurabishvili visited Israel and took part in an official event organized by the government of Israel and Yad Vashem to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp.

Mashav and USAID in Georgia

MASHAV- Georgia and USAID-Georgia signed a Memorandum of Understanding for joint cooperation for the benefit of the Georgian population. Under the Memorandum, both USAID/Georgia and the Israeli Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV) affirm their intent to deepen their cooperation for Georgia’s prosperity.

Agreements / Israel - Georgia

Agreement on the temporary legal employment of Georgian Auxiliary Workers in long term care facilities in Israel. 

Strengthening cooperation / Israel - Georgia

In the year 2022, the Georgian government added the 27th of January, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, to Georgia’s national calendar of events. Since then, the Chairman of the Parliament and the Ambassadors hold an annual joint ceremony.

Strengthening cooperation / Israel - Georgia

During the visit of Justice Minister Saar, a Joint Declaration in the field of digitalization was signed, focusing on strengthening cooperation between the Israeli and Georgian ministries of justice in the fields of justice, crime prevention, reforms for effective governance, service availability, and other areas.

Strengthening cooperation / Israel - Georgia

During Georgian Foreign Minister Ilia Darchiashvili's visit to Israel, a new tourism agreement was signed, as well as a joint declaration, together with Economy Minister Barkat, on a future Free Trade Agreement.  These are two major steps for the enhancement of the ties between our countries.

Strengthening cooperation / Israel - Georgia

Cooperation between Israel and Georgia to provide children from Georgia with crucial access to life-saving cancer treatments at the Ichilov Medical Center in Israel.

Strengthening cooperation / Israel - Georgia

We value the warm relationship with the Jewish community and the annual participation of the President and Prime Ministers in the tradition of Hanukkah ceremony at Tbilisi Great Synagouge.

PM Garibashvili

PM Irakli Garibashvili visiting Israel and meeting the PM of Israel.

Strengthening cooperation / Israel - Georgia

Speaker of the Israeli Knesset, Mr. Amir Ohana visited Georgia and met with his counterpart, Speaker of the Georgian Parliament, Mr. Shalva Papuashvili. In addition, together with the Minister of Agriculture, they inaugurated the R&D center for hydroponic greenhouse technologies. 


Heads of State of Georgia condemn the October 7th terror attack:

The President of Georgia, Salome Zurabishvili: I am deeply concerned with the recent escalation in Israel and the loss of innocent human lives. Georgia stands in full solidarity with the State of Israel in these difficult moments.

Terror and inhumanity should have no place in our modern world.

The Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Garibashvili: I strongly condemn the terrible terrorist attacks on the state of Israel and Israeli citizens, the loss of lives, and serious injuries to many. Heartfelt condolences to the Government and People of the State of Israel.

planting a garden

On the 76th Independence Day of Israel, in the heart of Tbilisi, near the iconic Bridge of Peace, a garden of Israeli olive trees was planted, dedicated to the heroism of the Israeli people on October 7th, and the deep bond between the nations of Israel and Georgia. Moran Ben Yishai and Yair Moses, the children of Gadi Moses, who is a hostage, attended the ceremony.