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Dr Orna Berry at Arctic15

ICT legend, Dr Orna Berry, visits Helsinki


The Embassy had the honor and privilege to host one of the most influential Israelis in ICT, Dr Orna Berry, in Helsinki. In addition to giving a lecture about the Israeli innovation ecosystem at the Parliament, Dr Berry also spoke of her personal journey with cancer at the Arctic15 conference. Her story of surviving cancer and taking something positive out of the experience, ambition to find new ways to better organize medical data, was an encouraging and uplifting reminder of human resilience and ingenuity. 

Dr. Orna Berry is an entrepreneur, computer scientist and industry executive. She is the former Chief Scientist at the Ministry of Economy in Israel and currently, the Technical Director at the office of the CTO at Google Cloud.

Address map
Event Location
The Cable Factory
Kaapeliaukio 3
00180 Helsinki, Finland
Click here for directions.