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Bilateral relations

Ecuador and Israel

Before the proclamation of the establishment of the state of Israel, there were already relations between the two peoples, this was demonstrated when Ecuador opened its doors to Jewish refugees when Hitler came to power in Germany and the Nazi party consolidated, and began a series of actions that lead to the Holocaust. Ecuador was one of the most generous countries in opening its doors to jewish refugees, whose children and grandchildren continue their ties with Ecuador and contribute to the country's economy and social life.

On November 29, 1947, Ecuador votes in favor of United Nations resolution 181, which was the basis for the creation of the state of Israel.

In 1950 the two countries established diplomatic relations, and in 1956 the first Israeli ambassador began his duties, opening the first embassy in Quito in 1960. Israel is one of the smallest countries that has representation in Ecuador, which has demonstrated its friendship to this and all Ecuadorian governments. During these years, bilateral relations have been developed in all areas: political, commercial, cooperation, cultural and defense.

About 5,000 Ecuadorian professionals participated during the years as scholarship recipients in the Mashav scholarship program, training in areas such as: agriculture, health, education, rural community development, micro businesses, tourism, community policing, communication, technology, gender, etc. In addition to the scholarships in Israel, on the spot courses were held on these topics in Ecuadorian territory. This modality is possible by establishing direct cooperation with some government entity, non-governmental and international organizations that hold development projects or programs and require advice from Israeli experts.

Israeli cooperation contributes to the improvement of telecommunications systems, security and defense, health, education, agriculture, etc. An increasing number of Israeli companies are investing in the country in irrigation, solar energy and security, among others. In the field of national defense, Israel also contributes with its military technology, such as the Kafir aircraft, which had an important role providing Ecuador's defense needs.

In terms of culture and education, activities and delegations of painters, writers, poets, journalists, musicians, and dance groups were exchanged. Art exhibitions, concerts, film series, and other cultural activities were held to help each country learn more about the other.

Ecuadorian tourists can travel to Israel without a need for a visa.