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Recommendations for travelers - Cyprus

It is recommended to take extra precautions when traveling to the occupied northern part of Cyprus.

Travel advice

Unofficial translation of the original announcement in Hebrew, published on the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs website

‎Warning when travelling to the occupied northern part of Cyprus
‎It is recommended to exercise caution when visiting the northern part of the island of Cyprus (sometimes also referred to as "Turkish Cyprus"). ‎

‎The State of Israel, like most countries in the world, does not recognize the “entity of Northern Cyprus” as a sovereign state, it has no diplomatic relations with “Northern Cyprus”, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has no diplomatic or consular representatives there. Therefore, there is a real difficulty in providing assistance to Israeli citizens in distress in cases such as loss of travel documents, accidents, medical emergencies, arrests or other unfortunate situations in the northern part of the island. ‎
‎In this context, it is suggested to refer to ‎‎the website of the Cypriot Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the section dealing with important information regarding visits to the area under Turkish occupation‎‎.‎


‎Warning regarding entry and exit
‎Israeli citizens who travel from Cyprus (The Republic of Cyprus) to the northern part of the island in violation of the regulations of the Cypriot government, may find themselves in a situation where their return to the Republic of Cyprus will not be possible, and as a result significant difficulties are expected upon their return to Israel. ‎
‎Crossing in violation of the regulations may also result in detention in the occupied northern part of the island (also known as "Turkish Cyprus"). ‎

‎Pursuant to our previous recommendations of 9.2.2017, 9.9.2017 and 30.9.18, and following to the announcement by the Cypriot authorities, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wishes to remind the Israeli public once again of the warning issued on 23.8.18, according to which, and in accordance with the instructions of the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus, visitors arriving in the government-controlled area of the Republic of Cyprus will be able to enter and exit only through the following legal points of entry, declared by the Government of Cyprus: international airports of Larnaca and Paphos and the ports of Larnaca, Limassol, Latsi, Paphos and Ayia Napa.

According to the procedures of the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus, any person who enters through the northern part of the island, whether from the airport or seaport, and passes to areas under the control of the Republic of Cyprus, will have his/her passport stamped with a black stamp. The same person will not be able to enter Cyprus for a period of 10 years, and will risk penalties prescribed by Cypriot law, including imprisonment for up to 12 months and/or a fine. ‎


‎Accomodation in Hotels in the occupied northern part of the island ("Turkish Cyprus")‎
‎The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus warns that staying in hotels in the occupied northern part of the island based on the list appearing on its website, may lead to a situation in which those visitors will be prevented from entering the Republic of Cyprus, and therefore recommends avoiding staying in these hotels. ‎
‎Information on the Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs website and the list of the hotels.

"North Cyprus” – Real Estate Transactions (15/11/12)‎
‎The laws of the Republic of Cyprus impose restrictions on the acquisition of real estate in the northern part of Cyprus (also known as "Turkish Cyprus" – an area not under the effective control of the Cypriot government). Violators risk arrest upon arrival in Cyprus, prosecution and prison sentences prescribed by state law. In addition, legal proceedings may be initiated against violators in any of the EU countries, with all that this entails. ‎
‎Therefore, we wish to inform Israelis who intend to purchase real estate in the northern part of the island, that it is recommended to obtain legal advice from an independent and reliable source. ‎

‎The Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasizes that in any case, any business activity is the responsibility of the person undertaking it.‎
‎In this context, it is suggested to refer to ‎‎the Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs website‎‎, in the section dealing with legal consequences for foreign citizens purchasing Greek-Cypriot owned property in the area of Cyprus occupied by Turkey.


‎"North Cyprus” – sailing of Israeli yachts (15/11/20)‎
‎According to information received from the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus, boat owners sailing to the northern part of Cyprus (also known as "Turkish Cyprus", which is not under the effective control of the government of the Republic of Cyprus), risk immediate arrest, prosecution, payment of fines and even prison sentences prescribed by the laws of the Republic of Cyprus. ‎

‎Surrogacy procedures in “Northern Cyprus” (04/08/2019)‎
‎The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterates its warning and recommendation to Israeli citizens regarding surrogacy procedures in countries where Israel does not have diplomatic representation,‎‎as appearing on the Foreign Ministry website‎‎. ‎

‎In such cases, citizens are expected to encounter substantial difficulties that may affect the possibility of removing the baby from his/her birthplace, and in this case from the northern part of the island. The recommendation also clarifies that Israeli citizens who carry out surrogacy procedures abroad have the sole responsibility to ensure that the procedures are regulated and legal in that country. In the absence of a law permitting such procedures in the foreign country, these citizens take great risk. Among other things, significant difficulties are expected with regard to the consequences of violating the law, performing a genetic test in accordance with the law and the Genetic Information Regulations (conducting a genetic test for family ties, documenting and preserving its results, 5770-2010), the possibility of removing the baby from his/her place of birth, the baby’s entry into Israel, and the baby’s registration in the population registry. ‎

‎Since the State of Israel does not recognize the “entity of Northern Cyprus” as a sovereign state, does not maintain diplomatic relations with “Northern Cyprus”, and does not have diplomatic or consular representatives there, Israeli citizens who perform surrogacy procedures in the occupied northern part of the island are expected to encounter significant difficulties that may affect the possibility of performing a genetic test for family ties in order to prove a genetic link between the baby and the Israeli citizen, on the registration of the newborn with the Population Authority, on his/her taking out from the birthplace and more. ‎
‎In this context, it is also recommended to refer to the announcement of the Coordination Unit for the Struggle against Trafficking in Persons, Prostitution and Polygamy, and information regarding surrogacy procedures abroad in “Northern Cyprus”, Albania and Kenya, which was published on the‎‎ Ministry of Justice website‎‎ on June 21, 2023. ‎

‎Cyprus and “Northern Cyprus” – Clarification‎

‎The Republic of Cyprus is an independent state and a member state of the European Union.

It is officially referred as: “The Republic of Cyprus”.

It is commonly referred as:‎ “Cyprus‎" – "Greek‎ Cyprus”

The capital city is Nicosia ‎

“Northern Cyprus” – the northern part of the island that declared independence in 1983 under the name "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" and is de facto under Turkish control.

The above is not recognized by the State of Israel.

This part is referred to by several names:‎ “Northern Cyprus” – “North Cyprus” – “Turkish Cyprus” – “Turkish‎ Republic of Northern Cyprus” (TRNC) (recognized by Turkey and a few other countries). ‎

Those countries that recognize this entity define the capital city as North Nicosia (in Turkish Lefkosa)‎