May 26th - June 7th, 2024

About the Course
Early childhood is the first and most important period in a person’s life. This makes the first years of childhood a period of great opportunity, but also a great risk.
The quality of a child’s early experiences makes a critical difference in the development of the brain, the existence of strong or weak abilities for learning, health and functioning throughout life. Early childhood offers a critical window of opportunity to build a foundation for a child’s future in order to realize his full potential, which is a human right. When children miss this once in a lifetime opportunity, they pay the price with lost potential by either dying prematurely or living with poor physical and mental health, struggling to learn or make a living later in life and we all pay the price. Early childhood education and development is the key that will allow many other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved. Giving children the best start in life supports the entire spectrum of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. By investing in quality early childhood education, we pave the road to a more equitable, sustainable, and prosperous future for generations to come.
Education in Israel starts at a very young age and most 2-4 years old attend some kind of a preschool environment. Most programs are sponsored by local authorities, some within day-care centers operated by women's organizations, others are privately owned. The Ministry of Education allocates special resources for preschool education in
disadvantaged areas. Preschools for five-year-olds are free and compulsory. The curricula of all preschools are guided and supervised by the Ministry of Education to ensure a solid and well-rounded foundation for future learning. Governmental and non-governmental organizations in Israel, such as The Israel National Council for the Child (NCC) and the Inter-ministerial National Committee for Children and Adolescents at Risk, ensure that children’s rights are protected, and their health and education ensured. These
organizations succeed in changing laws and legislation in supporting needs of children in Israel.
MCTC has a vast experience sharing Israel’s best knowledge, expertise, and practices in the field of Early Childhood Education and Development.
In cooperation with the Center for the Study of Child Development and the Early Education and Development Program, Department of Counseling and Human Development, University of Haifa, through an interactive learning approach, as well through introductory lectures, professional study visits, observations, workshops, and discussions, participants will:
- Gain knowledge about the multidisciplinary field of early childhood education and
development in Israel.
- Get a better understanding of innovative approaches to Early Childhood Education
and Development.
- Engage in professional discussions about the essential role of overseeing, monitoring,
and evaluating early childhood education and development programs and training
- Participate in a dynamic exchange of ideas on the course topic with their peers
- Reflect on and present ideas that can be implemented in their own settings.
Program Topics
The following topics will be included in the course:
- Early Childhood Education and Care in Israel
- Early Emotional and Social Development
- Early Intervention Programs
- Attitudes and Priorities in Early Childhood Education
- Creating a Positive Environment for Children to Grow to Their Potential
- Building Resiliency Resources in the Individual, the Family, and the Community to Enhance Awareness of Inner Strength – Through Different Therapies – art, music, movement, etc.
- Advanced Technologies in Early Childhood Education
- Coordination Among Community Services in ECE
- Visits to early childhood education kindergartens, day-care centers and be exposed to services and organizations in Israel that support children and their families
Application Requirements
This course is intended for mid to senior level policymakers, professionals and practitioners involved in the field of early childhood education and development, who work at relevant government and municipality offices, NGO’s, academic and other related organizations. Candidates are expected to have academic training or equivalent professional qualifications in relevant subject matter. Applicants should have at least 5 years of practical experience and should be engaged in or aspiring to implement or lead early childhood education and development projects in their community. English proficiency is required. Age limit between 25-55.
Application Forms
Application forms and other information may be obtained at the nearest Israeli mission,
on MASHAV’s website: or on MCTC’s website:
Completed application forms, including the health declaration, must be submitted no later than April 30th, 2024.
General Information
Arrival and Departure
Arrival date: 26/5/2024
Opening date: 27/5/2024
Closing date: 6/6/2024
Departure date: 7/6/2024
Participants must arrive at MCTC on the arrival date and leave starting on the closing night 6/6/2024 and no later than the departure date 7/6/2024. Early arrivals/late departures if required, must be arranged by the participants themselves directly and must be paid for by the participant him/herself.
Location and Accommodation
The course will be held at The MASHAV Carmel International Training Center (MCTC), Located at 12 David Pinsky Street on Mount Carmel in Haifa. The building consists of
living accommodation and classrooms, as well as recreation and dining facilities. MASHAV awards a limited number of scholarships. The scholarship covers the cost of the
training program including lectures and field visits, full board accommodation in double rooms (two participants per room), health insurance (see below) and transfers to and from the airport. MASHAV does not provide a daily allowance and does not cover flight costs.
Health Services
Medical insurance covers medical services and hospitalization in case of emergency. It does not cover the treatment of chronic or serious diseases, specific medications taken by the participant on a regular basis, dental care and eyeglasses. Health authorities recommend that visitors to Israel make sure they have been inoculated against tetanus in the last ten years. Subject to the full binding policy conditions. Participants are responsible for all other expenses.
MASHAV – Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation is dedicated to providing developing countries with the best of Israel’s experience in development and planning. As a member of the family of nations, The State of Israel is committed to fulfilling its responsibility to contribute to the fight against poverty and to the global efforts to achieve sustainable development. MASHAV, representing Israel and its people, focuses its efforts on capacity building, sharing relevant expertise accumulated during Israel's own development experience to empower governments, communities and individuals to improve their own lives.
In alignment with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, we focus our activities on human capacity building and on the ‘training of trainers’ approach, sharing with other countries Israel’s own experience and expertise as well as innovative technologies and tested methodologies.
About The Golda Meir MASHAV-Carmel (MCTC)
The Golda Meir MASHAV Carmel International Training Center (MCTC) was established in 1961. MCTC was the first of its kind in the domain of women’s empowerment and since its inception has had a profound influence on both individuals and the policy arena. MCTC focuses on three areas of study: Sustainable Community Development, Early Childhood Education and Development, and Entrepreneurship and Innovation, all with gender as a
crosscutting issue.
MCTC endeavors to provide professional women and men from developing countries and transitional societies with the necessary tools for women’s empowerment. MCTC enjoys the active cooperation of a number of international organizations, governmental and nongovernmental organizations and development authorities. Since the establishment of MCTC, some 30,000 participants from over 147 countries have benefitted from hundreds of training activities conducted in Israel. Today, many of them hold key positions at the local or national level, or within the United Nations.
About The Center for the Study of Child Development and the International MA Program in Education and Development in Early Childhood, University of Haifa
The Center for the Study of Child Development at the University of Haifa includes a group of internationally leading senior researchers who are devoted to the study of children's development, with a particular emphasis on their emotional health and well-being. The Center’s experts focus on basic science questions regarding the nature of socio-emotional development across the life span and across cultures, and their implications and applications for the lives of children and their families. The one-year International Master’s Program in Education and Development in Early Childhood for Developing Countries, in the Department of Counseling and Human Development, Faculty of Education, was designed with the goal of improving the lives of children at risk around the world. It is designed to prepare the next generation of international experts who will focus on pressing questions regarding the nature of early education and development and how it applies to the lives of children and their families in
developing countries. This unique program equips professionals with the knowledge and skills that are necessary when returning to their home countries to affect and influence the well-being of children and their families (for more details see
For further information, please contact:
The Golda Meir MASHAV Carmel International Training Center (MCTC)
12 David Pinsky Street, POB 6111, Haifa 31060, Israel
Tel: +972-4-8375904
Fax: +972-4-8375913