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Public Diplomacy

The Public Diplomacy Department covers the following areas: media, public affairs, culture and academia

Public Diplomacy

The Department engages with the Australian public and aims to provide communities throughout Australia with information about Israel; to expose Australian audiences to Israeli culture; and to promote cultural and academic ties between Israel and Australia.


Media and Public Affairs

The Public Diplomacy Department is responsible for the Embassy's media relations. It coordinates press activities and acts as a source in providing information and official statements on issues related to Israel. The Department is in contact with Israeli, Australian, and Pacific media resources, as well as the general public. Our Press Office explains Israel's position on various matters, and organises interviews and meetings between diplomats, guests of the Embassy, the media, and the general public. 

The Department is also in charge of the Embassy's social media channels. We invite you to follow us:

The Department handles all media requests and is pleased to maintain warm relations with news outlets and community news organisations in Australia.

For media-related enquiries please contact: 


Cultural Affairs

Israel is an old-new country, small in size, but with a culturally active, heterogeneous population. Four thousand years of Jewish heritage, many years of Zionism, and 76 years of modern statehood have contributed to a culture which has already created an identity of its own, while preserving the uniqueness of 70 different communities.

Israel's creative expression has absorbed many different cultural and social influences, as it blends tradition and innovation, and strives to steer a course between Israeli particularism and universalism. The constant search for cultural identity is expressed through creativity in a broad range of art forms, appreciated and enjoyed by many Israelis as part of their daily life.

We collaborate with many Australian cultural institutions and organisations to bring to Australia a vast array of Israeli culture experiences, from concerts and plays, through film screenings and exhibitions, and up to fashion and culinary. Through these partnerships, we celebrate Israeli culture, encourage cultural dialogue, and foster a multifaceted understanding of contemporary Israeli society.​​​

Culture is the great unifier. Through connecting with artistic and creative work, we realise that many issues in our lives are universal, thus bringing us together.

For enquiries related to culture please contact: 


Academic Affairs

Israeli universities and research institutes are some of the leading academic institutions in the world. They have gained international recognition as a premier place to study and work. Israeli Universities work with, and develop new leaders for, the business and science communities, and are known for expansive innovative research in green technology, agritech, bio-medical devices and many more. In addition to the many achievements in science and in technology, Israeli universities and colleges have a strong presence in the arts and humanities, drawing from the cultures of Israel’s diverse population.

The mission of the academic affairs activity of the Public Diplomacy Department is to foster cooperation between the academic community and institutions in Australia and the ones in Israel. We work together with a variety of community and academic groups, including students, faculty and professional associations. In addition, the Department promotes and initiates study abroad and student exchange programs and organises academic delegations.

For enquiries related to academia please contact: