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Bilateral relations

2024 marks 75 years of bilateral relations between Australia and Israel

Israel and Australia established full diplomatic relations in the early days of Israel statehood.

The relations between our two nations began during World War I, when hundreds of young Australians played a crucial role in the Allied forces' campaign in the Middle East.

Many Israelis still remember the pictures of those brave men - particularly the legendary Light Horse Brigade - which fought in the crucial battles for Gaza and Beersheba. Memorials in Jerusalem and military cemeteries are reminders of our mutual desire for shared democratic values, liberalism, freedom and human rights. 

Australia was also one of the first countries to recognise the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. Ever since that time, it has shown a commitment to its peaceful existence.

As peoples, Israelis and Australians share common values. These values are well manifested in the overall span of our bilateral relations.

The scope of cooperation between our two countries has always been wide. Through technological experience, coordinated research, and information exchange, there is no doubt we can develop an ever-greater cooperation in the future. Israel looks forward to it.

Battle of Beer Sheva

Battle of Beersheba

On 31 October 1917, the heavily fortified town of Beersheba was the scene of a historic charge by the 4th Australian Light Horse Brigade. The taking of Beersheba was the first crucial step in bringing an end to Ottoman rule in Palestine and began a chain of events that culminated in the establishment of Israel in 1948.

Samakh battle

Battle of Samakh

On 25 September 1918, Samakh was the scene of a short action between Australian light horsemen and a mixed force of Turks and Germans. The 4th Light Horse Brigade, under Brigadier General William Grant, was sent to capture Samakh, which was significant due to its position on the Damascus railway line. The Australians charged the town and 365 prisoners were taken.

Israel Australia Small Flags

Holocaust Aftermath

In the aftermath of the Second World War, about 27,000 survivors of the Holocaust migrated to Australia. Australia has taken in the second higher amount of Holocaust survivors per capita, after Israel. 


Doc Evatt

Minister for External Affairs, Dr Herbert Vere Evatt, chaired the UN's Ad Hoc Committee in 1947, which proposed a partition plan suggesting the creation of separate Jewish and Arab states. Evatt understood the importance of a Jewish homeland, and intensely lobbied behind the scene, ensuring the crucial two-thirds majority needed was achieved. In the UN General Assembly vote on 29 November 1947, the partition was approved. Australia was the first country to vote "Yes". As the first nation to vote in favour of the resolution, Australia has been described as the midwife at the rebirth of the State of Israel in 1948.

Photo credit: Nationaal Archief, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Moshe Sharett

Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett Visit

Minister Sharett visited Australia in May 1958. It was the first official visit by a serving Israeli cabinet Minister to Australia.

Paul Hasluck

Minister for External Affairs Hasluck Visit

Minister for External Affairs, Paul Hasluck, was the first serving Australian cabinet Minister to make an official visit to Israel, in March 1966.

Photo credit: Australian News & Information Service - National Archives of Australia, Public Domain,

Israel Australia Small Flags

Operation Mazurka

Operation Mazurka is Australia's contribution to the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) in the Sinai, a non-UN organisation established in 1981 to monitor compliance by Egypt and Israel with the 1979 Peace Treaty. 

Haim Hertzog

President Chaim Herzog Visit

Israeli President Chaim Herzog visited Australia in November 1986. President Herzog was he first serving Israeli President to visit Australia.

Photo credit: מאת יד ביד Pikiwiki Israel, CC BY 2.5, 

Bob Hawke

Prime Minister Bob Hawke Visit

In January 1987, Prime Minister Bob Hawke made the first visit of a serving Australia Prime Minister to Israel. Hawke had a deep personal interest in Israel and Jewish affairs. In 1986 he introduced a motion to the Australian parliament deploring the 1975 UN "Zionism is racism" resolution and called for its rescission. To honour Hawke's advocacy for Israel and the Jewish people, the Jewish National Fund established and dedicated the Australian Israel Friendship Forest in the Galilee to him in 1988. 

Photo credit: Commonwealth of Australia 2011 -,15391.html, CC BY-SA 3.0 au,

Robert Ray

Defence Minister Ray Visit

In April 1995, Australia’s Defence Minister Robert Ray came to Israel for an official visit.

Photo credit: Parliament @ Work - Image link - Biography link, CC BY 3.0 au,

John Howard

Prime Minister Howard Visit

Australian Prime Minister John Howard held an official visit to Israel in April 2000.

Photo credit: By File:Howard John BANNER.jpg: © Commonwealth of Australia 2011derivative work: Georgfotoart - This file was derived from: Howard John BANNER.jpg:, CC BY-SA 3.0,


Postal Services and Telecommunications

In December 2002, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Government of The State of Israel and The Government of Australia concerning cooperation in the fields of postal services and telecommunications.

Israel Australia Small Flags

Israel-Victoria R&D Bilateral Agreement

Funding support for market-oriented collaborative research and development (R&D) projects by Victorian (Australia) and Israeli companies.


President Katzav Visit

In February 2005, Israeli President Moshe Katzav visited Australia.

Alexander Downer

Foreign Minister Downer Visit

In June 2007, Australia’s Foreign Minister Alexander Downer visited Israel. 

Photo credit: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website –, CC BY 4.0,

Israel Australia Small Flags

Israel's 60th Anniversary

On 12 March 2008, the Australian Parliament passed a bipartisan motion congratulating Israel on 60 years of statehood. 

Tel Aviv

Announcing Tel Aviv as "Innovation Landing Pad"

In December 2015, the Australian federal government, as part of its new innovation and science agenda, announced Tel Aviv as an "innovation landing pad" for Australian entrepreneurs. 

Photo credit: By Ynhockey - This file has been extracted from another file, CC BY-SA 4.0, 


Work and Holiday Visa Arrangement

In 1 June 2016, a reciprocal work and holiday visa arrangement between Australia and Israel commenced, enabling Israeli and Australian aged 18-30 to enjoy an extended holiday in Australia or Israel respectively, during which they may undertake short term work and study. The arrangement's scope started with an annual cap of 500 visas in Israel and 500 in Australia per year. 

Israel Australia Small Flags

Prime Minister Netanyahu Visit

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Australia in February 2017.


Defence Industry Cooperation

In October 2017, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on defence industry cooperation was signed.


New South Wales (NSW) – Israel R&D Cooperation Program

Financial grants to facilitate, support and encourage research & development (R&D) partnerships between NSW and Israel based entities.

Israel Australia Small Flags

Defence Cooperation

Defence officials began annual strategic talks in 2018 and in early 2019. Australia appointed a resident Defence Attaché to the Embassy in Tel Aviv.


Israel-Australia Industrial R&D Agreement (Federal)

Funding support for Industrial technological collaborative research and development (R&D) projects by Australian and Israeli companies.

Israel Australia Small Flags

Cyber Security Cooperation

In January 2019, following a series of reciprocal visits and dialogue, the Australia and Israel signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on cyber security cooperation.


Double Taxation Agreement

In March 2019, a Double Taxation Agreement was signed between Australia and Israel.


Australian Trade and Defence Office

In 2019, Australia opened a Trade and Defence Office in Jerusalem. The Office, which operates under Austrade, facilitates collaborations in the fields of trade, investment and defence industry on behalf of the Australian government. 


Work and Holiday Visa Arrangement Update

The Australian government increased the annual cap of the 'Work and Holiday Visa' arrangement for young Israeli adults from 500 per year to 2500 per year. 


President Rivlin Visit

Israeli President Reuven (Ruvi) Rivlin visited Australia in February 2020.

Photo credit: Kobi Gideon/GPO (from Australian Jewish News website)

Minister Wong with President Herzog

Penny Wong Visit

Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong visited Israel for an official trip during January 2024.