1. The Israeli ID number of the deceased (not a picture of the passport)
2. Your full name
3. Relation to the deceased
Once we will have all the details, we can provide you a detailed explanation that is relevant to your situation.
This service is available to Israeli citizens or residents (or interested parties) who wish to report the death of a family member abroad.
The notification may be submitted by spouses or first-degree relatives, or by a lawyer on behalf of the family (by presenting a power of attorney from the family).
The notification form should be completed and brought in person, together with the required documents, to an Israeli mission in the country where the person providing notification is staying.
Please note:
When the notification is provided by a lawyer, he/she must also present his/her own identifying documents.
Notification of death of an Israeli citizen or resident abroad, completed and signed.
Any visit to a mission must be arranged in advance through the online appointment scheduler.
The affidavit that is to be signed must be prepared in advance.
No fee is charged for this service.
• Monday – Thursday: 12:00-14:30
• Friday: 12:00-14:00
Public Reception hours:
• Monday – Friday: 09:00-13:00
- Not all countries have apostille stamps. If the birth took place in a country in which they do not have an apostille stamp, you must check the authentication procedure of the certificate with the embassy of said country - Apostille stamps in Australia
- If the certificate is not written in English, there must be provided a translation to the certificate + apostille stamp that approves the translation from the country where the translation took place in addition to the certificate requested above.
- If your names/spelling on the certificate does not match the Israeli population registry or Australian passport, make sure to email a photocopy of the certificate + Israeli ID number/non-Israeli passports to the consular section.