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Notification of death of an Israeli citizen or resident abroad

This service enables Israeli citizens or residents (or interested parties) to report to an Israeli mission the death of a family member abroad.
Required Documents To Apply
Original death certificate, authenticated as required.
ID card or travel document of the deceased.
ID card or travel document of the reporting family member or of the lawyer representing the family.
Submitting the application requires a fee.

Payment is available via credit card only (no cash/app payment/bank transfer)

* We don't accept Amex/Diners
Kindly send us the documents in advance via email, to:
Required presence at the Consulate
The person providing notification must appear in person at the mission.
Please note
Here are the required forms for the application:

1.Body transfer form, signed by the next of kin (NOK) requesting to transfer the body to the state of Israel
2. An official certificate of death from the local authorities, verified with Apostille by the Singapore Academy of Law
3.A doctor's certificate indicating the cause of death (if not specified on the death certificate).
4.A certificate from the authorized local authorities (or a certificate approved by them), indicating that the body was preserved in accordance with the accepted medical procedures of Singapore
5.An official packing certificate, attesting to the packing of the body as required - The packing company must be instructed that it is absolutely forbidden to put any object or equipment into the coffin
6.An official document from National Environment Agency (NEA) for Permission to Export a coffin containing a corpse verified with Apostille. This refers to the license from NEA to remove the body out of Singapore
7.A commitment from ‘Kadisha’ or another authorized burial company in Israel for its willingness to accept the body for burial in Israel - The funeral company in Israel must have a burial license and appear in the licensed companies link below:
8. A certificate attesting to the injection of a preservative into the body or its packing in dry ice.
9. NOK to fill out attached Consent /Decline Consent Form to perform an autopsy of the deceased
10. A passport copy of the deceased
11. A copy of the Identity Card of the deceased
12. A copy of passport and Identity Card of NOK requesting to send the body to the State of Israel
Who can apply
Related documents
How to apply
send form
Fill the forms
Schedule an appointment
Who can apply?

This service is available to Israeli citizens or residents (or interested parties) who wish to report the death of a family member abroad.

The notification may be submitted by spouses or first-degree relatives, or by a lawyer on behalf of the family (by presenting a power of attorney from the family).

How to apply

The notification form should be completed and brought in person, together with the required documents, to an Israeli mission in the country where the person providing notification is staying.


Please note: 

When the notification is provided by a lawyer, he/she must also present his/her own identifying documents.

Schedule an appointment

Any visit to a mission must be arranged in advance through the online appointment scheduler.
The affidavit that is to be signed must be prepared in advance.

Consular fee

No fee is charged for this service.

Appointment booking
To book an appointment, kindly use the link

Kindly note:
- The services are by appointment only
- Kindly arrive 15 minutes earlier for the required security check
- Visitors are not allowed to bring bags, food and drinks to the waiting room
- Each visitor is required to book an appointment for himself/herself
- Visitors are required to show an ID
- Israeli citizens are required to show an Israeli ID

* When booking an appointment, kindly enter an email address and a phone number