Contact us


Address map
Suite #2100
456 Montgomery St
San Francisco
CA 94104, USA
Click here for directions. Send us an email


Consulate General

Email address

Address for mail

456 Montgomery St,
San Francisco,
CA 94104,

How to send mail to the consulate

Our mailing address

The Consular Department at the Consulate General of Israel to the Pacific Northwest in San Francisco

456 Montgomery St, Suite #2100, San Francisco, CA 94104


Please note that the Consulate is not liable for any risks involved with sending payment information by mail. Your application is safe only after reaching the consulate. Please use a reputable courier.

Days and hours for visits

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
9:00 - 12:00
Sunday, Saturday

The consulate is closed on jewish holidays!




2/10, 3/10, 4/10, 11/10, 14/10, 16/10, 17/10, 18/10, 23/10, 25/10





How to schedule appointments

Please see the link for the appointment schedule system.

If you have medical problems and are assisted by medical equipment, or if you have a metal implant implanted in your body, please provide yourself with an appropriate medical certificate.

If a nursing companion who is not a family member is coming with you, their details must be added when making the appointment.

Do not come to the meeting at the consulate with large bags, valuables, large sums of money, and electronic equipment such as laptops, tablets, etc., except for a personal phone.

Visitors arriving with electronic equipment will not be allowed to enter the consulate.

If you have additional citizenship, please bring with you any foreign passports you have

Other useful contacts

Consular Department

Other useful information list

Israeli Citizens in Distress 
If you or any other Israeli citizen you know is in a state of distress, please contact the Israeli Consulate as soon as possible. An emergency is classified as a life-threatening situation that requires immediate attention. Inquiries regarding consular matters (passports, visas, handling of matters relating to the Israel Defense Forces), as urgent as they may be, will not be answered.

Emergency Telephone Numbers:
 (415) 844-7500 ext. 1 then press 9
In Israel: +972-253-03155


Permit for Transfer of Bodies for Burial in Israel
The Israeli Consulate can assist those who wish to bring a deceased relative to Israel for burial. Please contact the Consular Department for more information.

A permit is not required for the transfer of ashes.


Arrested Israeli Citizen
If you know of any Israeli citizen who has been arrested in the United States, or if you are an arrested Israeli Citizen, please contact the Consular Department to notify the Consulate of your arrest. Please provide the following information:

  • Full name
  • Israeli ID number or passport number
  • Time and place of arrest
  • Detention facility
  • Arresting authority – BICE, Federal, Sheriff's Office, Police
  • Reason for arrest
  • Contact person (including telephone number)

Be advised, the Consulate does not intervene in legal matters of citizens who have been arrested, but may be of assistance by making sure that prisoner's rights are being kept and by issuing travel documents for deportees to Israel.