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Bilateral relations


Portugal and Israel established full diplomatic relations in 1977.

The countries enjoy mutual appreciation of the advantages each side holds. In Portugal, there is an appreciation for Israel and its achievements among the general public, which is reflected in the desire to cooperate in the fields of cyber security, water, scientific research, entrepreneurship and innovation, culture and economy. Israelis enjoy the opportunities Portugal offers in the fields of tourism, trade and export, investment opportunities, and historical connection to the Jewish people, as well as the culinary, water-sports and outdoor scenes. Several Israeli companies chose Portugal to establish their HQ for the European markets, and opportunities in the field are continuously created.

Over the years, several official delegations and visits took place, supporting the bilateral dialogue between the two nations. The countries signed bilateral agreements, cooperation frameworks and memorandums of understandings in the fields of industrial R&D, tax, research, culture, academy, sport, youth, cinematic co-productions, research in the field of oceans and seas, and agreement between the Ministry of Tourism and Innovate Israel. Portugal has adopted the IHRA definition of antisemitism and implemented an extensive educational program in the field of holocaust remembrance.

In 2023, the Portuguese parliament passed a proposal to support Israel on the occasion of 75 years of independence and to strengthen the connection and relations in the fields of economy and culture, with an absolute majority.



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Establishment of full diplomatic relations

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Industrial R&D agreement

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Tax treaty

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Research cooperation agreement

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Comprehensive framework for cooperation in culture, education, academia, sport, research and youth

cinematic co-productions agreement

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Visit of the Israeli Minister of Science and Space, Ofir Akunis

Signing of a scientific research agreement in the fields of seas and oceans

Singing of a cooperation agreement between the Portuguese Ministry of Tourism and the Israeli company Innovate Israel

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Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs visit Israel

President Marcelo visit Israel on 75 years to the liberation of Auschwitz ceremony 

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Portugal's Parliament passes a historical resolution supporting Israel for 75 years of independence, calling to strengthen cultural and trade relations, with an absolute majority of 94%.