This section of the website collects information about important events, state visits and signing of cooperation agreements between both countries.
Panama played an important role in the processes that led to the creation of the State of Israel, especially due to the work carried out by Dr. Eduardo Morgan Álvarez, who closely followed the aspirations of the Jews who were trying to establish themselves in Erez Israel (Land of Israel).
Dr. Morgan was appointed by the President of the Republic, Mr. Enrique A. Jimenéz, as Representative of Panama, before the Palestine Commission, whose purpose was to validate the resolution of the UN General Assembly of November 29, 1947. In favor of the partition of the Land of Israel. Dr Morgan played a constructive role in the Commission and his personal intervention facilitated the release of Jewish refugees detained in Cyprus.
One of his most important actions was to persuade small countries, mainly in Latin America, to support the resolution. On June 18, 1948, Panama, through Resolution No. 1856, recognized the State of Israel as a "sovereign state, fully invested with international personality.
At the same time, the constant threats from Arab countries to invade Israeli territory forced its leaders to quickly create an air force.
The first planes arrived in the country through clandestine operations, due to the Western arms embargo. One of them was to take 13 airplanes from the United States to Panama, registering them in the name of the Panama Airlines, LAPSA, a company that was created solely for this purpose. The first plane arrived in Israel on June 21, 1948.

Chancellor Golda Meir (later elected Prime Minister) visited Panama and met with President Ernesto de la Guardia Jr.

The official primary school located in the San Miguelito district was designated with the name “State of Israel.”
Panama appoints its Ambassador in Rome, Adolfo Arias Espinosa, as Concurrent Ambassador to Israel.

Israel decides “in view of the good relations that happily exist with Panama” to raise the rank of its diplomatic mission to Embassy. Shortly after, he set up an office on Justo Arosemena Avenue in Panama City and the first Ambassador, Joshua Nissim Shai, arrived.
The first bilateral agreement dedicated to cultural cooperation is signed.

Former Prime Minister Moshe Sharet visited Panama.
The first business delegation from Israel visits Panama.

Panama – Israel Cultural Institute is created.

At one of the lowest points in Israel's relations with the UN, an Arab-sponsored resolution comparing Zionism as a form of racism was put to a vote. Panama was one of the 6 Latin American countries that opposed this resolution.

Three weeks after the signing of the Torrijos – Cartes Treaties, the Commander-in-Chief of the Panama National Guard, Omar Torrijos Herrera, made a historic visit to Israel. The Israeli Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, praised during the meeting the excellent relations that existed between the two countries and congratulated Torrijos on the treaty with the Americans.
The occasion was propitious for General Torrijos to inaugurate Panama Street in the city of Jerusalem.

Israeli Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir arrived in Panama.

President Eric Arturo del Valle visits the State of Israel. On that occasion, the Omar Torrijos Forest was inaugurated in Israel.

Former Prime Minister and opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu visited Panama and met with President Omar Torrijos.

- Ehud Olmert, who finished his term as Prime Minister of Israel six months earlier, arrives in Panama. During his visit, he met with President Ricardo Martinelli.
- Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Strategic Affairs, Moshe Yaalon, visited Panama.

President Ricardo Martinelli made a state visit to Israel, during which he signed 5 agreements.

Ministers of State made an official visit to Israel focused on water management. They were: María Luisa Navarro, vice chancellor of the Republic; Mirei Endara, from Environment; Miguel Mayo from Health and Dulcidio de la Guardia, from Economy and Finance.

The FTA was signed between the Republic of Panama and the State of Israel. It was ratified in the National Assembly on October 31, 2019 and came into effect on January 1, 2020.

A delegation headed by the Minister of Commerce and Industries, Ramón Martínez and the Minister of Agricultural Development, Augusto Valderrama, visits Israel.

Commercial Delegation from Panama visits Israel.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Janaina Tewaney Mencomo, led an official visit to Israel with the Minister of Commerce and Industries, Federico Alfaro, and the Minister of Agricultural Development, Augusto Valderrama.