Consular services

The consular department at the Embassy of Israel in the Hague provides many and varied services in the consular fields to the general public.
Services include:
- Travel documents for Israeli citizens - issuance, extension.
- Updating records at the Population Authority (birth, marriage, divorce, death).
- Production of official certificates.
- Entry visas to Israel (visas) - for foreign citizens, diplomats and representatives of international organizations.
- Notary services - declarations, signature verifications.
- Aid to Israeli citizens in need.
The services are provided in a variety of channels - e-mail, letter mail, service at the consulate, answering the phone.
The variety of additional services -
Additional contacts: (This list is not a recommendation on behalf of the embassy and is presented as a service to the citizens)
List of civil and family lawyers in the Netherlands:
List of Official Sworn Translators (Hebrew / Dutch):
List of Civil-Law Notaries:
List of Criminal Defence Lawver:
You Can Contact Us:
By E-Mail-
By phone Mo-Th 14:00-16:00- 0703760570
Address For Post-
Johan de Wittlaan 5,
2517 JR Den Haag,
Payment Option For Consular Services-
Consulate's bank information:
Embassy of Israel
NL79 ABNA 0467 8751 46