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Israeli Agency for the Development of International Cooperation under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the States of Israel


MASHAV, Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation at Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was established in 1958 following the vision of then Foreign Minister Golda Meir and Prime Minister David Ben Gurion to assist fellow nations overcome development challenges by sharing knowhow and technologies, which provided the basis of Israel’s own development.

MASHAV–is responsible for the design, coordination and implementation of the Sate of Israel’s development cooperation programs and humanitarian assistance efforts. By placing people at the heart of development, we focus our activities on capacity building and on “training of trainers” approach, sharing with other countries Israel’s own development experience and expertise as well as innovative technologies and methodologies. In alignment with the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, and as a member of the family of nations, the State of Israel through MASHAV, shares the global responsibility of striving to overcome development challenges and contributing to the fight against poverty.

There are 5 directions of MASHAV's activity.

1. Training in Israel. These include courses where students from different countries participate in sessions that are held in a single language that is understood by all.

2. Courses on the "ground". Due to the request of the hosting side MASHAV experts provide on-site training. They focus areas that Israel is successful in: agriculture, public life organization, education, health, environment protection and gender equality.

3. Consultations. Upon the request of hosting side MASHAV specialists travel there for prompt and professionally specialized consultations, help in implementing projects and in researches in a particular field.

4. Long-term consultations. Due to the request of hosting side MASHAV specialists help with the implementation of different long-term projects.

5. Joint research programs. They are conducted in several developed nations as USA, Canada, Spain, Germany, and the Netherlands.


Courses in Israel are conducted at several locations. There are three main training and consultancy centers of MASHAV:

-The Aaron Ofri International Training Center;

-Golda Meir International Training Center on Mount Carmel;

-Center for International Cooperation in the Field of Agricultural Development under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Moreover.

MASHAV collaborates with numerous other research and educational institutions, including: Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Ecology Sciences at the Hebrew University; the Weitz Center for the Study of Problems; The Sackler’s Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University, as well as with other Israeli institutions of higher education, hospitals and non-governmental organizations, such as the Negev Institute for Peace and Progress Strategies.

MASHAV's activities are not limited by formal education. Acting through the Shalom clubs, the Agency organizes events to maintain contacts and share experiences after graduation of courses. Members of the Shalom clubs establish and maintain contacts with MASHAV training centers in Israel and abroad. The communication is facilitated by the "Shalom" magazine, which is published for MASHAV graduates in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Russian. MASHAV's courses and consultations include a wide range of topics: education; agriculture; research; social and sustainable development; environmental management; rural development; public health and medicine; science and technology; the role of women in the development of modern society.

At the end of the course, students present their project. According to statistics, almost a third of these projects are implemented in the countries of residence or become the basis for further development plans. Almost a quarter of a million people from different countries participated in MASHAV's training programs. MASHAV provides significant assistance to the promotion of Israeli agricultural technologies in the regions of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Since 1993, with the support of MASHAV, more than 700 Kazakhstani specialists have been trained in Israel.

With the support of MASHAV and Embassy following events were organized in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan:

-training seminar for businesswomen in Almaty, in 2001;

- seminar "The prospects of MASHAV's activities in Central Asia" in Almaty, in 2003;

- nursing course in Astana in 2009 with online broadcast in Almaty;

-master-class of ophthalmologists in Karaganda in 2009;

- master class of pediatricians on rehabilitation in Astana in 2010;

-MOU with Kazakh National Agricultural Education Center in 2016;

-opening of demonstration plot on drip irrigation in 2015 in Almaty and visit lectures in 2017;

-course on cattle breeding in Kyrgyzstan in 2018;

- humanitarian aid projects in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan (2020-2021);

- visit of MASHAV’s head Eynat Shlein to Astana, June 2021;

- study tour of senior officials from Kazakhstan to Israel on water management, September 2022;

-tailor made courses on beekeeping, agriculture, water resources, also for governors and law enforcement bodies (different years);

-visit lectures of Mashav experts (Natasha Mazor, Katerina Rudenko, Haim Pilosoph) in Aktobe, Almaty, Astana (different years);

This is just a short list of projects implemented with the support of MASHAV.

MASHAV plans to continue its activities in the future with the purpose to develop bilateral cooperation in the sectors classified as its spheres of activity.

MASHAV in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan:

Теl:     +7 (7172) 703 412
