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Ambassador Cohen Makes Official Visit to Noto Peninsula Earthquake Disaster Site

In a momentous display of solidarity and support, the Ambassador of Israel to Japan, Gilad Cohen, made his first-ever visit to Monzenmachi in Wajima City on September 3, 2024. 

Noto Sep 1

In a momentous display of solidarity and support, the Ambassador of Israel to Japan, Gilad Cohen, made his first-ever visit to Monzenmachi in Wajima City on September 3, 2024. His mission was to deliver crucial humanitarian aid to those affected by the devastating Noto Peninsula earthquake. The ambassador's presence, meeting with survivors, local officials, and aid workers, symbolized Israel's commitment to supporting the most vulnerable communities.

On January 1, 2024, an earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula, causing widespread destruction and leaving thousands of people homeless. On February 5, 2024, Israel sent the first batch of relief supplies in collaboration with Operation Blessing Japan, an international disaster relief non-profit organization. This visit aimed to deliver the second shipment of humanitarian aid from the State of Israel, with the support of MASHAV, Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation, and to meet with the local community and government to establish a long-term partnership.

During the visit, Ambassador Cohen, Mr. Don THOMSON (President of OBJ), and his teams distributed essential supplies — such as soap, shampoo, and detergents — and Israeli products, including dates and tea, to families who had lost their homes and loved ones.

Ambassador Cohen expressed his heartfelt condolences at the disaster site and unwavering support for the victims and their families. 

"I am here today on behalf of Israel to stand with the people of Noto in this time of great need. Our hearts go out to all those affected by this tragedy, and we are committed to providing immediate and ongoing assistance to help you rebuild your lives," he stated.


Noto Sep 4


In addition to delivering aid, Ambassador Cohen met with the Honorable Hiroshi HASE (Governor of Ishikawa Prefecture), the Honorable Takashi MURAYAMA (Mayor of Kanazawa City), and Mr. Yutaka KANAI (Chairman of Hokuriku Economic Federation) to discuss the most pressing needs of the affected communities.

He emphasized the importance of international cooperation in disaster response, underscoring Israel's global perspective and commitment to working with other nations. He pledged to continue working closely with Japan to support recovery efforts, highlighting the significance of collective efforts in such challenging times.

"My nation, too, has been devastated after the Hamas attack on October 7, with tens of thousands displaced from the south and north. Whether facing man-made or natural disasters, both communities must stand strong together and remain hopeful as we work to rebuild," Ambassador Cohen added. "While addressing immediate physical needs is important, long-term recovery is our priority. We are also here to engage with local authorities on how Israel, a startup nation known for its innovation, can help revive the local economy and create opportunities for young people who wish to remain in the area, leading to the city's revival."

Ambassador Gilad Cohen's visit underscores Israel's enduring commitment to meaningfully supporting the earthquake victims and contributing to the humanitarian response. Israel's pledge of additional financial and logistical support is a testament to our unwavering dedication to aiding recovery efforts in the region.

Noto Sep 3