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Reception for Israel's 75th Independence Day

Hundreds of friends attended the official reception organized by our Embassy to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the State of Israel.


Hundreds of friends attended the official reception organized by our Embassy to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the State of Israel.

The President of the Knesset Amir Ohana, the President of the Senate Ignazio La Russa, the Minister of Justice Carlo Nordio, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Edmondo Cirielli, honored us with their presence. Many others representatives of the institutions, including the Armed Forces, politicians, personalities from the world of culture, diplomats, leaders of the largest Italian companies, influencers, and representatives of the Jewish communities, came to celebrate together.

During the ceremony, Amb. Alon Bar said: “Many important people are present here today, representing institutions, political leaders, ministers, generals and officers of the armed forces and law enforcement agencies, Deputies and Senators, and many others.

Dear friends, I thank the MAXXI and Intesa Sanpaolo for their hospitality and contribution to the realization of this event.

An event in honor of an important day: 75 years of Israel!

Relations between Italy and Israel have always been excellent, but today they are better than ever.

Both Italy and Israel face challenges. Major challenges, for security (for example, in the Mediterranean context), for the environment and more.

I believe that jointly addressing these challenges will benefit both countries and improve our ability to manage these things, to the benefit of both peoples.

As Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said during his recent visit to Rome, our relations are about to make a real quantum leap.

It is my task to act together with the friends present here this evening, to make the wish of our two Prime Ministers and our two peoples a reality.

To all of you who are here today, celebrating this important anniversary with us: thank you very much, for your presence and for your friendship. Today and always.

It really does my heart good to see you here with us.

In my name and in the name of the State of Israel: 'Todà rabbà! Thank you!'"

(Photo credits: Salvatore Arnone)