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Consular Department

Consular Services

Consular Services

Consular Inquiries

Consular Section for Israeli
Direct Tel: +852 - 2821 7505
Fax: +852 - 2865 0220

Visa and Consular Section
Direct Tel: +852 - 2821 7510
Fax: +852 - 2865 0220

Requirement for visa application


Visa Application

  1. Visitor entering to Israel should hold a valid passport
  2. Stateless person is required to have a valid travel document with a return visa issued by the place he/ she is from
  3. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) passport holder, Macau Special Administrative Region (Macau SAR) passport holder and British National (Overseas) passport holder do not need a visa to enter Israel
  4. People’s Republic of China Passport holder, Hong Kong Document of Identity holder and Macau Travel Permit holder should apply for a visa before entering to Israel.
  5. Validity of travel visa is 3 months and subject to the terms of the visa issued

Requirements to obtain a (B/2) Tourist Visa

  1. A valid passport or travel document (valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry)
  2. Hong Kong Identity Card
  3. Visa issued by the Hong Kong Immigration (for non-HK permanent resident)
  4. Completed and signed application form
  5. One recent color passport photo (5x5cm) in white background
  6. Letter of employment with applicant's full name and title
  7. Invitation letter from an Israeli Company (for business trip)
  8. Confirmation of hotel reservation in applicant's name
  9. Confirmation of round-trip air ticket in applicant's name
  10. Travel itinerary                                             
  11. Bank statement of applicant (last 3 months)
  12. Travel Insurance covering the period of stay in Israel
  13. Visa application fee: HKD216 (cash only)
  • Processing time is about five to seven working days.
  • Applicants are required to send all necessary documents to us by email
  • Visa application must be submitted in person and by appointment only​.
  • Appointment time for in person application will be sent to applicant by email.
  • Download Visa Application Form 2023>>

Requirements to obtain a (A/2) Student Visa

  1. A valid passport or travel document (valid for at least 12 months from the date of entry)
  2. Hong Kong Identity Card / Student card
  3. Student Visa issued by the Hong Kong Immigration (for non-HK permanent resident)
  4. Completed and signed application form
  5. One recent color passport photo (5x5cm) in white background
  6. Letter of acceptance from University, Yeshiva or Educational Institution
  7. Confirmation of accommodation in applicant's name
  8. Confirmation of round-trip air ticket in applicant's name
  9. Financial proof, scholarship, letter of financial guarantee stating that the applicant will be able to substain his or her expenses in Israel.
  10. A minor under the age of 18 traveling alone must present a consent letter with both of the parents' signatures
  11. Travel Insurance covering the period of stay in Israel
  12. Visa application fee: HKD421 (cash only)
  • Processing time is about five to seven working days.
  • Applicants are required to send all necessary documents to us by email
  • Visa application must be submitted in person and by appointment only​.
  • Appointment time for in person application will be sent to applicant by email.
  • Download Visa Application Form 2023​>>



  • 旅客須持有效護照或旅行證件
  • 無國藉人士須持有有效旅遊證及由有關國家發出之回程簽證
  • 香港特別行政區護照(HKSAR)、澳門特別行政區護照(Macau SAR)、及英國國民(海外)護照(BNO)之持有人可免簽證進入以色列
  • 中華人民共和國護照, 香港簽證身份書(Hong Kong Document of Identity)、澳門特別行政區旅行証(Macau Travel Permit)持有人須在啟程前申請簽證
  • 旅遊或商務性質旅客於抵步起計算,可在以色列逗留多至三個月,逗留時間視乎簽證上的條款而定


  1. 有效護照或旅行證件(有效期至少6個月)
  2. 香港身份證
  3. 香港入境事務處簽發入境逗留,居港簽證
  4. 已填妥及簽署之申請表
  5. 彩色近照1張(長5cm x 寛5cm)背景白色
  6. 僱主發出之信件以証明申請人之假期、職位及回港述職日期
  7. 如參加會議或商務探訪,須提交以色列公司或主辦單位之邀請信,有關信件抬頭請至本領事館
  8. 申請人名下之以色列住宿証明
  9. 申請人名下之來回以色列機票
  10. 旅游行程表
  11. 申請人名下之財務狀況証明,銀行最近三個月之月結單
  12. 旅遊保險
  13. 申請費用HKD$216,只收現金


  1. 有效護照或旅行證件(有效期至少12個月)
  2. 香港身份證 / 學生證
  3. 香港入境事務處簽發入境逗留,居港簽證
  4. 已填妥及簽署之申請表
  5. 彩色近照1張(長5cm x 寛5cm)背景白色
  6. 由大學、猶太宗教學院或教育機構發出的錄取通知書之正本,及支付學費收據
  7. 申請人名下之以色列住宿証明
  8. 申請人名下之來回以色列機票
  9. 財務狀況証明,例如銀行存摺、已收取之獎學金証明或學費單,以保證申請人有能力負擔學費及在以色列的生活費
  10. 如申請人為18歲以下人士,其父母必需提交信件允許申請人到以色列,並簽署同意書和保證負責申請人的學費及在以色列的生活費
  11. 旅遊保險
  12. 申請費用HKD$421,只收現金