Aviv Grinfield’ presented her master class "Exploring the Boundaries of the Body and fell the natural " for contemporary dance enthusiasts , showing the diversified essence of Israeli contemporary.

November 21, invited by Guangdong Dance Festival, with the support of the Consulate General of Israel in Guangzhou, Israeli dancer Aviv Grinfield participated the festival with her "Exploring the Boundaries of the Body and feel the natural " master class.

Aviv Grinfield was born in L.A in 1990 and moved with her family to Israel at the age of 3. Since her early days of childhood, Aviv showed great passion for dancing and started practicing with professional dance teacher from as early as second grade.

On 2017, led by her curiosity and sense of adventure, Aviv moved to China and started a career a freelance dancer and choreographer, collaborating with local dancers and dance companies and contributing to the fast-growing Chinese contemporary dance scene.
As a country with a large number of immigrants, immigrants from all over the world have brought elements of Europe, the Middle East, Africa and even Asia to Israel. The fusion of multiculturalism encourages dancers to explore themselves and release the energy of their bodies, forming the shape of Israel contemporary dance.