Mr Gademor Doe Donatus, Mr. Abdul Razark Mohammed and Mr. Daniel Kwame Quaicoe participated in our Foreign Trainees in Agriculture programme in Israel. On Thursday, 6 September 2023, they took their turn in the second edition of the MASHAV Innovative Leadership Professional Exchange Series.
Mr Gademor Doe Donatus, Mr. Abdul Razark Mohammed and Mr. Daniel Kwame Quaicoe participated in our Foreign Trainees in Agriculture programme in Israel. On Thursday, 6 September 2023, they took their turn in the second edition of the MASHAV Innovative Leadership Professional Exchange Series.
The MASHAV Innovative Leadership Professional Exchange Series creates a networking platform for our MASHAV alumni to engage and share experience from their studies in Israel to a wide range of stakeholders from government and private sectors.
The three participants returned to Ghana and are implementing the skills and knowledge they acquired in Israel to their respective roles in the agricultural sector in Ghana.
The Embassy looks forward to the full implementation of their innovative ideas to modernize and re-structure the agricultural sector in Ghana.