The Embassy of Israel in collaboration with GIZ Ghana and the Government of Ghana hosted the first in a series of workshops aimed at creating a model for Ghana’s innovation and development ecosystem on Wednesday, 22 January 2020.
The Embassy of Israel in collaboration with GIZ Ghana and the Government of Ghana hosted the first in a series of workshops aimed at creating a model for Ghana’s innovation and development ecosystem on Wednesday, 22 January 2020.
This is a trilateral cooperation between MASHAV, the Government of Ghana, and the GIZ. This trilateral cooperation was initiated to promote innovation in Ghana especially on the policy level as the government expresses Ghana beyond Aid as the next level of development agenda.
This initiative is being implemented with a series of workshops, trainings, study tour and policy dialogues on Innovation for Development.
Mr. Haim Gilad, an Israeli expert with 35 years of experience in innovation from governmental and private sector perspective, led the first session on Wednesday, 22 January 2020.
High-level participants attended the seminar from various government ministries and related agencies involved in the innovation and development ecosystem in Ghana.