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Robust and efficient security is essential to the socio-economic stability and development of any society. In partnership with the Association of Private Security Organizations of Ghana (APSOG), our Economic and Trade Mission held a breakfast meeting on Thursday, 28th December to discuss Next-Gen Security Solutions on the theme “Bridging Technology and Expertise between Israel and Ghana.

Mr. Aviel Avraham, Deputy Chief of Mission

Robust and efficient security is essential to the socio-economic stability and development of any society. In partnership with the Association of Private Security Organizations of Ghana (APSOG), our Economic and Trade Mission held a breakfast meeting on Thursday, 28th December to discuss Next-Gen Security Solutions on the theme “Bridging Technology and Expertise between Israel and Ghana.


The main aim of the forum was for APSOG members and the private security sector to explore the latest security technologies, services, and products from Israel. The forum cconnected participants to Israeli companies specializing in security solutions. It also facilitated knowledge sharing and collaboration between security professionals and industry experts.

Participants at the Next-Gene Breakfast Meeting

The forum served as an interactive platform where issues such as man guard security training; event security management; VIP escort services; money in transit services (bullion vans/ armored vehicles); private investigation; radio communications; security gadgets showcase; perimeter security training and equipment were discussed.

Among many other things, the event showcased innovative security solutions from Israeli companies and provided APSOG members and other stakeholders insights into advanced security technologies and practices for the private security sector.


In his remarks, Deputy Chief of Mission, Mr. Aviel Avraham emphasized on the need to collaborate to enhance Ghana’s security architecture, especially within the private sector.

“As we look to the future, there is much that Ghana and Israel can do together to enhance the security landscape. By sharing knowledge, expertise, and best practices, we can strengthen our respective nation’s security frameworks.”


The President of APSOG, Mr. Ibrahim Osunaba shared insight on the private security sector. His presentation focused on their core operation areas and some of the challenges that the sector faces in Ghana.

President of APSOG, Mr. Ibrahim Osunaba


Participants for the event included APSOG members, security professionals, government representatives, industry experts, and investors. Participating Israeli companies include Mifram Security, TDCOMM, Octopus Systems, and Top Car Armoring.