Contact us

We are here for you.


Address map
Embassy of Israel in the Czech Republic
Badeniho 491/2
170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice, Czechia
Click here for directions. Where We Are


Consular 1
Consular 2

Phone inquiries:
Monday - Thursday
1:00 - 3:30 p.m
12:30 - 1:30 p.m

Thank you for your understanding!

Emergencies ONLY

ONLY IN EMERGENCY CASES on weekends and outside office hours

Email address

Address for mail

Badeniho 491/2,
170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice,

Days and hours for visits

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
9:30 - 12:30

The consulate is closed on jewish holidays!

January 1     New Year
March 29     Good Friday
April 1          Easter Monday
April 22       Erev Pesach (open 8:30-14:00)
April 23       Pesach
April 24       Pesach chag sheni galuyot
April 28       Erev chag sheni Pesach
April 29       Pesach sheni
April 30       Pesach chag sheni galuyot
May 1           Labour Day
May 8          Day of Liberation from Fascism
May 13         Yom Ha-Zikaron/Memorial day (open 8:30-14:00)
May 14         Independence Day (Israel)
June 11         Erev Shavuot (open 8:30-14:00)
June 12        Shavuot
June 13        Shavuot chag sheni galuyot
July 5          St. Cyril and Methodius Day
July 6          Jan Hus Day
September 28  St. Wenceslas/Czech Statehood Day
October 2         Erev chag Rosh Hashana (open 8:30-14:00)
October 3         Rosh Hashana
October 4         Rosh Hashana
October 11         Erev Yom Kippur
October 16        Erev chag Sukkot (open 8:30-14:00)
October 17        Sukkot
October 18        Sukkot chag sheni galuyot
October 23       Erev chag Simchat Tora (open 8:30-14:00)
October 24       Simchat Tora
October 25       Simchat Tora chag sheni galuyot
October 28       Independent Czechoslovak State Day
November 17    Struggle for Freedom And Democracy Day
December 24-26    Christmas    

How to schedule appointments

Office hours for the public:

Monday to Friday
09.30 – 12.30 h

It is necessary to book in advance.

Notary services will be provided on Mondays and Thursdays only by prior arrangement.


To book send an email ​to:

Israeli Citizens: Please include your ID and passport number in the subject line of your email

Other useful contacts

Federace židovských obcí
Maiselova 250/18, Staré Město, 110 00 Praha-Praha 1, Czechia

Other useful information list

Security instructions for applicants for consular services at embassy offices:

  • Kindly bring with you your photo ID and cash.
  • Please note that every visitor will be required to go through a security and personal belongings check.
  • Tablets, laptops and phones: Entry with bulky luggage, electronic devices, including mobile phones is prohibited. They will be deposited for the duration of the visit.
  • The applicant must prepare in advance all the necessary information and documents that are to be submitted during his/her consular appointment.
  • Damage or loss of personal belongings and property on the territory of the embassy is the responsibility of the visitor.


List of court Interpreters and translators