170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice, Czechia
Phone inquiries:
Monday - Thursday
1:00 - 3:30 p.m
12:30 - 1:30 p.m
Thank you for your understanding!
Email address
Address for mail
170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice,
Days and hours for visits
The mission is closed on local & jewish holidays
January 1 New Year
March 29 Good Friday
April 1 Easter Monday
April 22 Erev Pesach (open 8:30-14:00)
April 23 Pesach
April 24 Pesach chag sheni galuyot
April 28 Erev chag sheni Pesach
April 29 Pesach sheni
April 30 Pesach chag sheni galuyot
May 1 Labour Day
May 8 Day of Liberation from Fascism
May 13 Yom Ha-Zikaron/Memorial day (open 8:30-14:00)
May 14 Independence Day (Israel)
June 11 Erev Shavuot (open 8:30-14:00)
June 12 Shavuot
June 13 Shavuot chag sheni galuyot
July 5 St. Cyril and Methodius Day
July 6 Jan Hus Day
September 28 St. Wenceslas/Czech Statehood Day
October 2 Erev chag Rosh Hashana (open 8:30-14:00)
October 3 Rosh Hashana
October 4 Rosh Hashana
October 11 Erev Yom Kippur
October 16 Erev chag Sukkot (open 8:30-14:00)
October 17 Sukkot
October 18 Sukkot chag sheni galuyot
October 23 Erev chag Simchat Tora (open 8:30-14:00)
October 24 Simchat Tora
October 25 Simchat Tora chag sheni galuyot
October 28 Independent Czechoslovak State Day
November 17 Struggle for Freedom And Democracy Day
December 24-26 Christmas
How to schedule appointments
Office hours for the public:
Monday to Friday
09.30 – 12.30 h
It is necessary to book in advance.
Notary services will be provided on Mondays and Thursdays only by prior arrangement.
To book send an email to:
Israeli Citizens: Please include your ID and passport number in the subject line of your email
Other useful contacts
Other useful information list
Security instructions for applicants for consular services at embassy offices:
- Kindly bring with you your photo ID and cash.
- Please note that every visitor will be required to go through a security and personal belongings check.
- Tablets, laptops and phones: Entry with bulky luggage, electronic devices, including mobile phones is prohibited. They will be deposited for the duration of the visit.
- The applicant must prepare in advance all the necessary information and documents that are to be submitted during his/her consular appointment.
- Damage or loss of personal belongings and property on the territory of the embassy is the responsibility of the visitor.