Contact us

Contact information


Address map
Ul. grada Vukovara 271
Zagreb, Croatia
Click here for directions. Contact us


Contact telephone
Emergency contact

Email address

Address for mail

Ul. grada Vukovara 271,

How to send mail to the consulate

Prior to sending mail to the Embassy, confirm the necessary content of your mail with the consular department, reachable at +385 (1) 6169 504 or via the e-mail

Address the mail to The Embassy of the State of Israel / Veleposlanstvo Države Izrael, Ul. grada Vukovara 271, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Sending consular/notary documents to the embassy’s address is prohibited.

Consular/notaries material should be submitted in person.

Days and hours for visits

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
9:00 - 12:00

The consulate is closed on jewish holidays!

The Embassy will be closed during Croatian and Jewish holidays

01.01. 24    New Year              Monday      Embassy closed         

01.04. 24   Easter Monday     Monday      Embassy closed      

22.04.24    Passover Eve        Monday      Working until 13:00

23-24.04.24    Passover    Tuesday-Wed    Embassy closed

29-30.04.24    Passover II    Mon-Tues       Embassy closed

01.05.24    Labor Day    Wednesday          Embassy closed       

13.05.24    Yom Ha’zikaron    Monday       Working until 14:00

14.05.24    Yom Ha’atzmaut    Tuesday     Embassy closed

30.05.24    National day of Croatia    Thursday     Embassy closed           

30.05.24    Corpus Christi    Thursday    Embassy closed               

11.06.24    Shavuot  Eve    Tuesday    Working until 14:00

12-13.06.24    Shavuot    Wed-Thu     Embassy closed

05.08.24    Homeland Croatia Day    Monday    Embassy closed         

15.08.24    Assumption of Mary Day  Thursday    Embassy closed   

02.10.24    Rosh Hashanah Eve    Wednesday     Working until 13:00

03-4.10.24    Rosh Hashanah    Thu-Fri      Embassy closed

11.10.24    Erev Yom Kippur    Friday    Working until 13:00

12.10.24    Yom Kippur    Saturday    Embassy closed

16.10.24    Succoth Eve    Wednesday     Working until 14:00

17-18.10.24    Succoth    Thur-Fri    Embassy closed

23.10.24    Simchat Torah Eve    Wednesday    Working until 14:00

24-25.10.24    Simchat Torah    Thur-Fri    Embassy closed

01.11.24    All Saints    Friday    Embassy closed                    

18.11.24    Memorial day of Croatia    Monday     Embassy closed 

24.12.24    Christmas Eve    Tuesday     Working until 13:00

25.12.24    Christmas Day    Wednesday       Embassy closed   

26.12.24    Christmas/St. Stephen    Thursday    Embassy closed     

31.12.24    New Year Eve     Tuesday    Working until 13:00


How to schedule appointments

To schedule an appointment, please call the Embassy at the contact phone number +385 (0)1 6169 504 from 09:00-12:00 on work days or send an e-mail to the contact address

*It is not possible to come to the Embassy without a previously scheduled appointment.*

In case of emergency, please call the emergency phone number +385 (0)98 273 501 or send an e-mail to the emergency e-mail

Other useful contacts

Doriana Cohen, ovlaštena prevoditeljica za prijevod s hrvatskog na hebrejski i s hebrejskog na hrvatski
Ana Idan, predstavnica Židovske agencije za Hrvatsku

Other useful information list

The general number for emergencies (police, ambulance, fire department) is 112.


The following is a link to the Bar Association of Croatia, whose services can be requested if necessary. The mission cannot recommend one specific lawyer:

The link does not represent the recommendation for any one specific lawyer. The use of the service and choice of legal representation is the responsibility of the person using the service.


Security instructions for people who wish to obtain consular services at the mission offices

It is not possible to come to the Embassy without a scheduled appointment.

1.   It is mandatory to bring a photo ID.

2.   Every visitor and their belongings are required to undergo a security check.

3.   For security purposes, no personal objects are allowed into the mission, including handbags, mobile phones and electronic devices.

4.   Do not bring large handbags or suitcases to the mission.

5.   Do not bring food and/or beverage bottles or containers.

6.   The mission’s security directives apply to people in the consular waiting room. The instructions of the security staff must be obeyed at all times.


Verification of public documents

There are two possibilities for verifying a public document:

1.   Verification by means of apostille

In 1978, Israel signed and ratified the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents - 1961 (hereinafter: the Hague Convention). The purpose of this Convention was to shorten the processes required for a particular country to recognize the official documents issued by another country, by means of apostil certification.

Public documents and certificates that were issued in one of the countries that are signatories to the above Convention, and which bear the apostille stamp, are valid for presentation in Israel, without the need for additional verification / certification by the diplomatic / consular representative at the Israeli mission.

Additionally, for countries that are signatories to the Hague Convention, no additional verification is required by the mission consul of the country for which the document is designated, if it was stamped with an apostille in Israel.

With regard to a list of the countries that signed the Convention, and details about the authority competent to grant apostille certification in each country, as well as additional information, click on the following link:

In Croatia, apostille signatures can be obtained through the Municipal courts or the Ministry of Justice and Administration


Apostille stamps on public certificates, which were issued in Zagreb, can be done at  the following address:

Municipal Civil Court in Zagreb (Općinski građanski sud u Zagrebu) ,GradaVukovara street, no. 84  (Ulica grada Vukovara 84), Room: 503/V, Phone no: 6126 697 , working hours: Monday to  Thursday (8:30 -12:00 hrs)

For information  related to apostille stamps on public certificates issued  in other cities in Croatia, please  visit the Ministry of Justice website, as indicated below:


2.   Verification by means other than apostille

Verification of a document in a country that is not a signatory to the Hague Convention should be implemented as follows:

After the document is verified by the competent authority in the foreign country (usually the Foreign Ministry or Ministry of Justice), the Israeli consular representative verifies the signature of the competent authority.


The main laws of the State of Israel on which consular work abroad is based, are as follows:

·        The Law of Return, 5710 - 1950 - with all the amendments thereto over the years.

·        The Entry into Israel Law, 5712 - 1952 - with all the amendments thereto over the years.

·        The Law of Citizenship, 5712 - 1952 - with all the amendments thereto over the years.

·        The Passports Law, 5712 - 1952 - with all the amendments thereto over the years.

·        The Names Law, 5716 - 1956 - with all the amendments thereto over the years.

·        The Population Registration Law, 5725 - 1965 - with all the amendments thereto over the years.

·        The Notaries Law, 5736 - 1976 - with all the amendments thereto over the years.

·        The Defense Service Law (Consolidated Version), 5747 - 1986 and the authority to implement it abroad - with all the amendments thereto over the years.

·        The Crime Register and Rehabilitation of Offenders Law, 5741 - 1981 - with all the amendments thereto over the year


Croatian citizens visiting Israel for less than 3 months do not need a visa. Croatian citizens entering Israel for a longer period or for non-tourist purposes (i.e. work, studies, etc.) need to obtain a visa at the Embassy. The same applies for Israeli citizens intending to visit Croatia. 

Israeli citizens travelling for tourist purposes are advised that as of January 2023, Croatia is part of the Schengen area, and all restrictions regarding the length of stay in Schengen member countries apply to Croatia. More information can be found at: 

Any Israeli citizen planning to stay in Croatia for non-tourist purposes must regulate their stay in Croatia. Please contact the Ministry of Interior, Department for Foreigners at the following address: Heinzelova 98

E-mail inquiries for foreigners: 

Phone information for foreigners (on work days between 9:00 – 12:00):
+ 385 (0)1 4563 639
+ 385 (0)1 4563 638