Embaixada de Israel em Brasília

Daniel Zohar Zonshine
Date of Birth: September 9, 1958
2009 - M.A - Defense Studies, University of Haifa and National Defense College
1987 - Graduation - Land of Israel Studies, Bar Ilan University
1976-1987 - Mandatory military service – Air Force
Professional experience
8/2021 – present – Ambassador, embassy of Israel, Brasilia, Brazil
2018 - 2021 - MRE, Head of Overseas Programs, MASHAV, Israel National Agency for International Cooperation, Jerusalem, Israel
2014 - 2018 - Ambassador, Embassy of Israel, Yangon, Myanmar
2009 - 2014 - MRE, Head of Public Relations Department, Jerusalem, Israel
2008 - 2009 - National Defense College, Israel
2005 - 2008 - Consul General, Israeli Consulate General, Mumbai, India
2002 - 2005 - MRE, Deputy Head, South America Department, Jerusalem, Israel
1998 - 2002 - Minister-Counselor, Embassy of Israel, Brasília-DF, Brazil
1997 - 1998 - MRE, Department of Palestinian Affairs, Jerusalem, Israel
1995 - 1997 - MRE, Fine Arts Unit, Cultural Division, Jerusalem, Israel
1991 - 1995 - Second/First Secretary, Embassy of Israel, Lisbon, Portugal
1990 - Joined the MRE (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Jerusalem, Israel