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Embaixada de Israel no Brasil

Israel is a new and old country, small in size but endowed with varied topography and with a heterogeneous and culturally active population of more than 5.5 million inhabitants. It is the place where East meets West, and past and present touch; and where lifestyles are shaped by ideologies.

Four thousand years of Jewish tradition, more than a century of Zionism, the reunion of exiles and almost five decades of existence as a modern state have contributed to the formation of a culture that has already created its own identity, while preserving the uniqueness of the 70 communities that form it. make up.

Israeli culture is the result of the encounter between the individual and society, an amalgam of tradition and innovation and seeks a middle ground between the specifically Israeli and the universal.
As a society made up mainly of immigrants and second-generation natives, the country's creative expression has absorbed countless and diverse cultural and social influences; The traditions of each group rival each other, while at the same time confronting the country's recent history and life in the context of the Middle East.

The constant search for a cultural identity is expressed through creativity in a wide range of artistic expressions, appreciated and enjoyed by the majority of the population in their daily lives.
Israel's international cultural ties encompass cooperation in numerous fields, such as language, literature, arts, science, media and sports. Based on bilateral agreements with more than 70 countries, in addition to links with many others, activities range from academic and student exchange programs, reciprocal tours of dance groups, theater companies, musicians and orchestras, exhibitions of art, participation in book fairs, film festivals and sports competitions, as well as the reciprocal teaching of the language and cultural traditions of both countries.

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