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Bilateral relations



Brazilian diplomat Oswaldo Aranha presided over the United Nations General Assembly in 1947, which took the historic partition decision that led to the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. The act constituted an important milestone in Brazil's relations with the nascent State of Israel.

Brazil was one of the first countries to recognize the State of Israel. In 1951, the Legation of Brazil was created in Tel Aviv, elevated in 1958 to the category of Embassy. Also in 1951, Israel opened its Embassy in Brazil in Rio de Janeiro and was later transferred to Brasília. In 2010 Israel opened a Consulate General in São Paulo.

Brazil and Israel share a long history of exchange in technical, scientific and technological areas. Since the 1960s, Israel has contributed to the development of semi-arid agriculture, through the dissemination of irrigation techniques in regions of the Brazilian Northeast.

During the military regime in Brazil, political relations between the two countries were limited, but cultural exchange flourished with great influence from Bossa Nova to Israeli music and many Brazilian songs were translated into Hebrew.

Cultural relations continue to increase even today. Israel has frequently participated in Brazilian cultural events such as architecture biennials, art biennials, film festivals, literary fairs, etc. Brazilian popular culture continues to be well received in Israel with capoeira and music schools established in the country.

In recent years, political relations have strengthened with a series of ministerial and commercial visits from both sides. Over the years, the Presidents and Prime Ministers of Israel have visited Brazil and the presidents of Brazil have visited Israel.

The Free Trade Agreement between Israel and Mercosur, signed in 2007, constituted Israel as the first extra-regional partner to sign this type of agreement with the bloc.

In addition to commercial relations, other types of cooperation on various topics are maintained between Brazil and Israel. One of the programs offered by the Israeli Embassy in Brazil is Mashav, which provides scholarships for courses in various areas in Israel. Furthermore, there is cooperation and good scientific relations between Universities in Brazil and Israel.

Many Brazilians visit Israel every year for business and tourism. Many of them visit the holy sites of Jerusalem, as well as Tel Aviv, the Dead Sea, the Sea of Galilee and other tourist sites. Many Israelis also visit Brazil and enjoy its beautiful nature.


Investments in Brazil

Twenty years ago, there were only 5 Israeli companies represented in Brazil, today there are around 300 Israeli companies in the country. This high number of Israeli companies that have already established themselves in Brazil shows the great increase in Israel's interest in the Brazilian market.

The majority of these 300 Israeli companies located in Brazil are high technology companies in various areas such as: Agrotechnology, Telecommunications and IT, Security Products and Technologies, Medical Equipment, as well as companies in other areas such as Electrical Equipment, Aviation and Aerospace Vehicles, Energy and others.

Some of these Israeli companies that already operate in Brazil are well known and have established excellent cooperation contacts with Brazilian industry while investing in the local market. Israel is one of the world's leading countries in technological innovation; is a center of excellence in technological innovations in various sectors (telecommunications, space, biotechnology, nanotechnology to agrotechnology).

Collaboration between Brazilian and Israeli research centers and institutions offers a vast scope of opportunities for the development of the technological level in Brazil and provides benefits for Brazil as a whole.

Israeli Indicators (2023):

Population: 9.7 million people

GDP: US$525.00 Billion

GDP per capita: US$54,930

Main exported products: machinery and equipment, software, agricultural products, fertilizers, chemicals, textiles and accessories

Main imported products: raw materials, military equipment, fuels, grains and consumer goods.


Israel Political Data:

Government: Parliamentary democracy

Capital: Jerusalem

Administrative Divisions: 6 districts: Central, Haifa, Jerusalem, North, South and Tel Aviv.

President of State: President Isaac Herzog.

Head of Government: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


Bilateral Agreements

In 2019, several cooperation agreements were signed on topics such as science and technology, aviation, health, internal security, cybersecurity and cooperation in public security.