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About the embassy

About the Embassy

The Israeli Embassy was initially located in the former capital of Brazil, the city of Rio de Janeiro. It was transferred to Brasília in 1964 where the then Ambassador of Israel, Yossef Nahmias, received lot 38 on Avenida das Nações from Brasília City Hall for the construction of the future headquarters of the Embassy.

On August 9, 1973, the Foundation Stone of the Israeli Embassy in Brasília was laid, in the presence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel, Mr. Abba Eban, and the Governor of the Federal District, Colonel Hélio Prates da Silveira.

The plan for the construction of the Embassy, a centrally planned structure with just one floor, is inspired by the shape of the Greek cross (with four equal arms), placed at a slight angle on top of another Greek cross.

Construction of the Israeli Embassy and the Ambassador's Residence began in 1974 and was completed in 1977.

Architect: David Reznik


Contact Details
Address: Embassy of Israel in Brazil,
SES Av. das Nações Qd. 809 Lot 38
Post code: 70424-900
Tel: +55-61-2105-0500


Opening hours
Monday to Thursday: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Friday: 09:00 to 14:00


The Staff:
Embaixada de Israel no Brasil
Ambassador Daniel Zohar Zonshine
Embaixada de Israel no Brasil
CMG Semion Gamburg (Defense Attaché)
Embaixada de Israel no Brasil
DCM Dr. Yonatan Gonen
Embaixada de Israel no Brasil
Mr. Or Keren (Spokesperson)
Embaixada de Israel no Brasil
Mr. Dror Yair (Consul and head of administration)