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Climatech exhibition at the Federal Senate

​The Senado Galeria presents the Climatech de Israel exhibition until June 30th.


The initiative presents 40 Israeli products capable of making the world greener and more sustainable.

There are 21 panels showcasing everything from agricultural solutions to plant-based food printing. The event was organized by the president of the Brazil-Israel parliamentary group, senator Carlos Viana (Podemos-MG), in partnership with the Israeli Embassy.

The exhibition also commemorates the 75th anniversary of the founding of the state of Israel, celebrated in April.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by the Israeli ambassador, Daniel Zonshine, senator Carlos Viana (Podemos-MG), president of the Brazil-Israel parliamentary group, and other political representatives and authorities.

Ambassador Daniel Zonshine stated that the biggest challenges for the future are obtaining sustainable energy sources and food production. According to him, his country's experience in solving production in an arid environment serves as an example to the world.