Contact us


Address map
Consul General of Israel to New England
20 Park Plaza
MA 02116, USA
Click here for directions. Contact US


Our phone number
Emergency line

This line is for emergencies only. 

Email address

Address for mail

20 Park Plaza suite 1020,
MA 02116,

Days and hours for visits

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
9:30 - 13:30
10:00 - 13:00

How to schedule appointments

You can book an appointment fin the attached link: 

Other useful contacts

השגריר מירון ראובן

Other useful information list

List of Hebrew translators in the area.

This list is not to be viewd as a reccomondation by the consulate.

Contacting the listed translators is is the sole responsibility of the applicant.


Evelyn Ophir, Tel: 857-919-3859

Around the World Translations – Udi Manor, Tel: 305-936-8891

Iris Shor, Tel: 781-400-5484

Judith Nave, Tel: 781-729-5415

Bay Translations, Tel: 401-396-9766

Alef Bet Translation​, Tel: 617-909-0209

Day Translations
Seattle Languages InternationalLanguage Connections LLC​, Tel: 877-731-6332

Certified Hebrew Translation Services, Tel: 888-852-8333