Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Israel to Turkmenistan

Ismail Khaldi
Date of birth: August 20, 1970
Master - Political Science, Tel Aviv University. Israel, 1996
Bachelor - Political Science, University of Haifa, 1993
Diploma from Orthodox Arabic College, 1989
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jerusalem
From 2004 to present:
2016-2020: short-term duties of heads of missions abroad.
2017-2019: Advisor, Planning and Projects Department, main responsibility - activities under the “Boycott, Isolation and Sanctions” program
2016-2017: Advisor, Civil Society Department, main responsibility – activities under the “Boycott, Isolation and Sanctions” program
2012-2015: Counselor, Embassy of Israel in London - preparation and introduction of a new diplomatic position to monitor activities under the Boycott, Isolation and Sanctions program
2009-2011: Assistant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Political Affairs.
2006-2009: Deputy Consul General, San Francisco.
2005-2006: Cadet, North America Division
2005 – Spokesperson for Arab Media, Media Division
2004-2005: Cadet training
Hebrew - native
Arabic - native
English – fluent
Author of The Shepherd's Way: The Story of the First Bedouin Diplomat.