Name: Eyal Sela
Email: ambassador@buenosaires.mfa.gov.il

Name: Eyal Sela
Email: ambassador@buenosaires.mfa.gov.il
Diplomatic Career:
2022 Ambassador of Israel to Argentina
2020-2022 Chargé d’affairs of Israel in Cairo, Egypt
2016 Ambassador of Israel to Malta and Slovenia, residence in Jerusalem
2013-2016 Senior Diplomatic Advisor to the Planning Directorate, Israel Defense Forces
2012-2013 National Defense studies at the INDC
2007-2012 Ambassador of Israel in Quito, Ecuador
2004-2007 Director of the North American Department (Congressional Affairs) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jerusalem
2002-2004 Counselor for Political Affairs at the Israeli Embassy in Madrid
1999-2002 Counselor for Cultural Affairs at the Israeli Embassy in Madrid
1997-1999 Director of the Diplomatic Training Course for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jerusalem
1995-1997 First Secretary at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. and alternate observer for Israel at the Organization of American States
1992-1995 Second Secretary and Consul at the Israeli Embassy in Guatemala
1991 Served in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Department for International Cooperation and the Department for Public Diplomacy
1990 Joins Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jerusalem
Academic Qualification
2012-2013 M.A. in Political Science, Haifa University
1991 M.A. studies in Political Science, the Hebrew University
1987-1990 B.A. in Political Science and International Relations, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Date of Birth: January 23, 1965
Marital Status: Married with 3 daughters
Languages: Hebrew-English-Spanish