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유엔 기관에 만연한 반이스라엘 편견? 여러분께서 읽어보시고 직접 판단해 주세요.

유엔 기관의 편견

Judge for yourself

*공식 번역이 아닙니다.

10월 7일 하마스 테러리스트들의 잔혹한 대량 학살 이래, UN 소속 특정 업무 기관의 오랜 편견과 중립성 위반이 더 노골적으로 드러나고 있습니다. UN 산하 핵심 기관들은 이스라엘에 관련한 이슈와 유관 지역에서 발발하는 분쟁을 다룰 때 잘못된 정보를 유포하고 이중 잣대를 적용합니다. 이러한 기관들은 정치 및 대중 담론을 오도하고 이스라엘에 대한 국제법적 소송에서 잘못된 정보를 제공하는 주요 출처로 이용되기도 했습니다.

반이스라엘 태도와 편견이 UN 내부에 만연하다는 것은 오랜 문제였습니다. 현재 더 큰 문제는, 이러한 편견이 중립성과 공정성을 유지해야 하는 랭킹의 전문가 집단에까지 스며들었다는 사실입니다. 중립과 공정성을 지켜야 하는 UN의 기본 원칙 훼손은 이스라엘뿐만 아니라 유엔과 국제 시스템 전체의 무결성을 흔드는 위협이 됩니다.

이스라엘은 특별한 지위에 걸맞은 전문성과 원칙을 엄격하게 준수하는 많은 유엔 기관들과 꾸준히 협력하고 있다는 점을 독자들께서 이해하시는 것이 중요합니다.

앞서 언급된 반이스라엘 태도와 불공정함은 UN이 천명하는 기준에서 벗어나 전체 조직의 신뢰성을 떨어트리며, 이에 따라 주요 기능 수행 능력까지 훼손시킵니다. 그런데, 어떤 UN의 고위 인사들은 이스라엘이 내놓는 그들 조직에 대한 비판을 “허위 정보”라 규정하며 이슈를 무마시킵니다. 

따라서, 이스라엘은 본 페이지의 공간을 할애하여 최근 몇 달간 이스라엘 공식 기관에서 발표한 자료를 모아 주요 UN 기관의 조직적 편향성을 증명하는 수많은 사례를 상세 기술하려 합니다. 이 자료들은 유엔의 핵심 원칙 및 기준에서 급진적으로 벗어나 있는 문제의 전면을 보여줍니다.


여러분께서 읽어보시고 직접 판단해 주세요.


유엔 인도주의업무조정국 (OCHA) (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs):
OCHA is the primary source of information for the UN and the international community regarding violence and the humanitarian situation in Gaza and the West Bank. However, OCHA’s reporting in the Israeli-Palestinian context is anything but neutral and impartial. For a detailed breakdown of these violations of the most basic humanitarian principles by OCHA, see this page.


유엔 팔레스타인난민구호기구 (UNRWA) (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees):
During the IDF operation in Gaza following the 7 October attack, a wealth of new intelligence has been gathered which exposed the involvement of United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) employees in the October 7th massacre and the deep infiltration by those terror organizations, particularly Hamas, into the ranks of UNRWA. Instead of addressing this unprecedented scandal, UNRWA and the UN have attempted to whitewash these findings, downplaying the extent of the problem as a case of "a few rotten apples". No investigation was launched into the allegations of a widespread terror infiltration, including of UNRWA's education system. Until today, eight months into this crisis, UNRWA's leadership has not declared publicly the most obvious commitment: that any UN employee found to be involved with Hamas or Islamic Jihad will be fired. This official Israeli government website provides all the information on this ongoing affair.


유엔의 기아 감식 시스템 통합식량안보단계분류 (IPC) (Integrated Phase Classification):
The Integrated Phase Classification (IPC) is an organization that operates under the logistical and professional framework of the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Since the beginning of the war, the IPC has issued three reports on Gaza, which relied primarily on information from UN sources, warning of an imminent risk of famine in Gaza. These reports have significantly influenced various actions, including UN Security Council resolutions and proceedings against Israel in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC).
However, the IPC reports on Gaza have been marred by serious methodological issues, which were thoroughly detailed in official papers published by Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, one regarding the second report from March and another on the third report from June. These papers have raised concerns about the reliability and transparency of the IPC’s findings, which have fueled international pressure against Israel.


아동과 무력 분쟁 (CAAC) (Children and Armed Conflict):
In June 2024, the UN Secretary-General announced the inclusion of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on the UN's "blacklist" based on the latest CAAC report, which accused the IDF of committing grave violations against children. The decision came against the backdrop of Secretary General Guterres' troubling record of legitimizing double standards against Israel in the UN and being weak and selective in his approach to antisemitism.

Guterres justified the decision by claims of high numbers of killings, maiming, and attacks on schools and hospitals which were included in the UN Secretary General's CAAC report for 2023. However, that report, drafted by a group of UN agencies led by UNICEF, presented distorted and decontextualized figures based on flawed methodologies which deviate from the official reporting guidelines, as did CAAC reports from previous years. The structural and methodological failings concerning Israel in recent CAAC reports are explained in great detail in this report, published on the Israeli MFA website in June 2024.


유엔 여성기구 (UN Wemen) UN WOMEN:
Hundreds of Israeli women and girls were brutally murdered on October 7 by Hamas. Israeli Women and girls were sexually brutalized and physically tortured, however since the beginning of the war in Gaza, following the horrendous terror attack by Hamas, it has become abundantly clear that UNWOMEN ignores the suffering of Israeli women, thereby failing both Israeli women, and its mandate as the UN body tasked with protecting and advocating for all women internationally.
This official letter was sent to UN Secretary-General, and here is a UNWOMEN and the War in Gaza X (formally Twitter) posts analysis which clearly reveals a total disregard for he suffering of Israeli women.


그래서, 독자 여러분들이 하실 수 있는 일이 무엇일까요?

UN은 전인류를 위해 운영되어야 하는 기관입니다. 또한 우리의 세금으로 운영되는 기구입니다.
하여, 모든 UN 공무원과 기관이 이스라엘을 포함한 전 세계의 어떤 곳에서든, 어떤 상황에서든 중립과, 공정, 업무적 독립성을 지켜야 한다고, 그 의무를 준수해야 한다고 여러분의 의회와 정부에 요구해 주세요.

세계는 신뢰할 수 있는 UN 시스템이 필요합니다.


레퍼런스 및 출처 List of documents referred to in this page:

  • OCHA: overview of mandate violations and double standards concerning Israel (August 2024)
  • The UNRWA-Hamas Linkage (page published in May 2024)
  • Senior UNRWA educators in Gaza involved in terrorism (July 2024)
  • Transparency and methodology issues in the IPC Special Brief of 18 March 2024 (May 2024)
  • The Third IPC Report on Gaza (June 2024) Displays Persistent Neutrality, Transparency and Methodology Failures (September 2024)
  • FACT SHEET: the UN Secretary General's decision to "blacklist" the IDF (June 2024)
  • Methodological Manipulations and Institutional Failures in the UN's CAAC reports on Israel (May 2024)
  • UNWOMEN: MFA offical letter sent to the UN Secretary-General (July 28th 2024),
  • UNWOMEN and the War in Gaza X (formally Twitter) posts analysis which clearly reveals a total disregard for the suffering of Israeli women


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