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Aristides Sousa Mendes Museum opens its doors to the public

"Casa do Passal" gives its name to what was the birthplace of the consul who helped save thousands of refugees in World War II.

Casa Museu Aristides Sousa Mendes

On the 19th of July, in Cabanas de Viriato, Carregal do Sal, where 139 years ago Aristides Sousa Mendes was born, took place the inauguration of this new space of memory.

The ambassador of Israel in Portugal, Dor Shapira was present, as was also present Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, the President of Republic, several family members of Consul Aristides Sousa Mendes and descendants of survivors saved by him.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa underlined that the Aristides de Sousa Mendes Museum is a lesson for the future, defending he was a "unique 20th century personality", putting Portugal in the world.

The rebirth of " Casa do Passal is a place that holds the memories of Sousa Mendes family and the everyone can visit 8 main rooms, travelling between history, their personal objects and photos. 

Born on the 19th July of 1885, Aristides Sousa Mendes is seen nowadays as a portuguese hero. Here in Casa do Passal he welcomed refugees from World War II with visas issued by the then Portuguese consul in Bordeaux, France , saving thousands of Jews from death.