Israel: 76 years of independence
Throughout their long history, the yearning to return to the Land of Israel has been the focus of Jewish life. Independence Day is a celebration of the renewal of the Jewish state...
Throughout their long history, the yearning to return to the Land of Israel has been the focus of Jewish life. Independence Day is a celebration of the renewal of the Jewish state...
שר החוץ כ"ץ: אין לנו את הפריבילגיה להתנהג כרגיל - דווקא כאן מחובתנו לומר את האמת בפני הקהילה הבינלאומית: להיכן נעלמה האמת? ומה קרה עם הצדק?
Remembrance Day, Yom HaZikaron, is a day of collective and personal anguish mingled with honor for the fallen
The Central Theme 2024 of Holocaust Remembrance Day 2024: A Lost World: The Destruction of the Jewish Communities
A new scientific study of unprecedented scope has managed to accurately date findings from the First Temple period that were discovered in the city of David, shedding light on eve...