Como parte del protocolo de seguridad, el ingreso a la Embajada está sujeto a una revisión. Es indispensable presentar una identificación oficial original con fotografía (DNI, pasaporte, teudat zehut). No está permitido el ingreso de objetos personales (bolsos, teléfonos celulares, dispositivos electrónicos) ni alimentos y bebidas.
Tampoco deberá traer artículos grandes como maleta, bolso o mochila grande debido a que la Embajada no cuenta con instalaciones para guardar estos artículos. Artículos pequeños como celulares o llaves podrán guardarse en casilleros pequeños que le serán proporcionados durante la visita en el consulado.
Israeli citizens and foreign nationals seeking to prove a family relationship.
Before completing the genetic testing form, make sure you are in possession of a court order for genetic testing.
The documents should be scanned and attached to the Application Form for Genetic Testing to Prove a Family Relationship – Overseas Procedure.
An appointment for the test will be made by an Israeli mission abroad after the following steps have been completed:
Receipt of a court order for the test from the State Attorney's Office.
Proof of payment to laboratories.
Provision of phone numbers for contacting the examinees abroad.
Please note:
The appointment will be scheduled only after the court order has been sent by the State Attorney's Office to the Foreign Ministry and received at the mission.
An additional payment will be charged for sending the tests.
The mission will issue the examinees an invitation to present themselves for testing.
The invitation will be issued only after a civil or religious court order for genetic testing has been received from the State Attorney's Office and the attached form completed.
After the tests have been carried out at the mission, an additional payment may be charged for sending the tests.
Puede enviar un email a los correos: o
Se solicita detallar su nombre completo, número de identificación, número de teléfono e indicar que tipo de tramite desea realizar.