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Fulbright Foundation - Call for U.S. researchers to obtain a Scholarship in Israel

Israel is home to some of the world’s best academic institutions with high-ranking universities and research institutes. That is why we are so pleased to announce that applications for Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowships for promising young American researchers are now open:





Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowship at Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design

Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History

Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowships at University of Haifa

Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowships (All Disciplines)

Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowships at Bar-Ilan University

Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowships at Weizmann Institute of Science

Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowships at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

To learn more about the available fellowship please visit:    

The application deadline is September 16, 2024.

Forquestions please contact:  Assaf Levinton 

U.S. Programs and Projects Coordinator

   Fulbright Israel

    Moses House, 74 Rothschild Blvd., Tel Aviv, Israel

 T. +972-3-5213804