On Friday, 13 July, a high-level dialogue was held between Israel’s Agency for International Development and Cooperation (MASHAV) and some women advocacy organizations in Ghana. This was organized to facilitate for the sharing of experiences and knowledge in the advocacy of women’s issues in Ghana. It was also to establish a platform of possible collaborations between MASHAV and the organizations for better advancement of women’s issues.
On Friday, 13 July, a high-level dialogue was held between Israel’s Agency for International Development and Cooperation (MASHAV) and some women advocacy organizations in Ghana. This was organized to facilitate for the sharing of experiences and knowledge in the advocacy of women’s issues in Ghana. It was also to establish a platform of possible collaborations between MASHAV and the organizations for better advancement of women’s issues.
Spearheaded by the Women in Law and Development Africa (WiLDAF), the event brought together organizations such as Hope for Future Generation; Women’s Assistance and Business Association; Initiative for Gender Equality; Image Refinery; Artisan’s Association; Gender Center for Empowerment Development (GeNCED); Ark Foundation; Leadership and Advocacy for Women in Africa (LAWA Ghana); African Women Lawyers Association and the Artisans Association Ghana.
Representing the State of Israel was Dr Michal Sela, the former Chief Director of Women’s Lobby in Israel and currently a trainer with expertise in women sensitivity and entrepreneurship and Ms. Dana Chocron, MASHAV’s Coordinator in Ghana.
In sharing the State of Israel’s experience in the field of women’s rights and advocacy, Dr. Sela encouraged the organizations to form a coalition to make a stronger impact especially, for fund raising purposes. She also advised that the various women’s advocacy organization should clearly define their focus areas and develop expertise in those areas to serve the interest of women. Ms. Dana Chocron, MASHAV’s Coordinator in Ghana moderated the discussion.